WWI Coach Wood

  • Period: to


  • Assasination of Franz-Ferdinand

    Assasination of Franz-Ferdinand
    Assasination of Franz-Ferdinand, Dynamite that blew up the start of the war
  • Germany Declared War On Russia

    Germany Declared War On Russia
    This started a chain link of events that made more countries enter the war.
  • Battle of Ypres

    Battle of Ypres
    British troops fought the germans for control of territory
  • First Zeppelin Raid of Britain

    First Zeppelin Raid of Britain
    Zeppelins bombed british troops, this introduced air warfarr to the war
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    One of the reasons the US entered the war, Germans violated the sussex pledge
  • Germans captured Warsaw

    Germans captured Warsaw
    Major strategic position for the germans.
  • Battle of Verdun Begins

    Battle of Verdun Begins
    French against the Germans, Longest single battle of WWI.
  • Battle of Jutland Begins

    Battle of Jutland Begins
    Major Naval Battle that gave away strategic naval positions
  • Battle of the Somme Begins

    Battle of the Somme Begins
    Tanks are introduced to the battlefield, and this begins one of the bloodiest battles of WWI
  • Zimmerman Telegram is Sent

    Zimmerman Telegram is Sent
    Final Factor that convinces the US to join the war
  • United States Declare War of Germany

    United States Declare War of Germany
    US enters the war and brings fresh troops to the allies side
  • Bolsheviks successfully overthrow the Russian government

    Bolsheviks successfully overthrow the Russian government
    This ends the reign of the Kaiser and begins the rule of Vladimir Lenin
  • Woodrow Wilson Issues his Fourteen Points

    Woodrow Wilson Issues his Fourteen Points
    Woodrow Wilson strategically wins the war for the united states and imposes his new ideas.
  • Germany leads the Spring Offensive

    Germany leads the Spring Offensive
    Germany's last try to win the war
  • The Red Baron is Shot Down

    The Red Baron is Shot Down
    The legendary air fighter for Germany is shot down by an American.