By jocie02
  • Assignation Of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assignation Of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    After Ferdinand was assassinated it created a lot of tension throughout Europe. He was the nephew of the Emperor. He was heir to the throne of Austro- Hungarian.
  • Battle Of Marne

    Battle Of Marne
    Germany wanted to avoid fighting. Wanted to take France before Russia. Germany failed at winning the battle.
  • The Gallipoli Campaign

    The Gallipoli Campaign
    Allies passed through Dardanelles, gained control of Constantinople. Was just like the battle of the Western Front. There was many casualties, food was not able to be eaten, and sickness spread.
  • The Battle Of Verdun

    The Battle Of Verdun
    This battle was one of the longest battles. It was one of the most expensive. The Germans lost around 430,000 men. Lost many French troops as well.
  • Battle of Jutland

    Battle of Jutland
    This battle was one of the biggest naval battles. It involved roughly 250 ships and killed around 100,000 men. The Germans lost once again and never attempted to challenge the British again.
  • Battle of The Somme

    Battle of The Somme
    This battle was between British and French forces. Some claim it was the most painful battle. British advanced many miles. More than a million were killed, wounded, or taken in as prisoners.