• assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    They were on a tour in a open cart. With little to no security. When nationalist Nejolk threw a bomb at there cart. As that w going on he seen a opportunity to fire in the car and hit the king.
  • WWI begins

    WWI begins
    WWI didn't start on the assassination of the king an queen. It was all lead by a series of events. Wars were just being declared on many place with no holding back
  • Battle of Marne

    Battle of Marne
    Battle of Marne September 1-10 1914. This first battle resulted in a lot of new technology radios and automotive transport. They fought north of Paris. Finally they got the Germans to retreat and they won the first battle.
  • battle of Ypres

    battle of Ypres
    October 18 1914 is the first battle fought on western front. This battle marked the end of movement battle with trench warfare. This battle lasted for a very long time it eventually died down during the winter.
  • Trench warfare

    Trench warfare
    Trench warfare was used because they were tired of trying to fight in the muddy condition. So they dug down as deep as they could until they hit a dry part of the dirt. Both sides used it. it made fighting harder and longer it really was not a big help.
  • Lusitania sinks

    Lusitania sinks
    Less than a year after wwi erupted in Europe Germans sink Lusitania. They killed 1,198 people and 198 of them were Americans. This caused outrage in the US.
  • Fist tank

    Fist tank
    The British brought the first tanks into battle. At the time they were only good for cover, Breaking down trenches and barbwire fences. On top of that they were the silliest looking things ever.
  • U.S enters the war

    U.S enters the war
    U.S joined the war because of Germany. They keep on pestering the U.S and eventually the congress was like you know what man your gonna get the hammer. U.S broke diplomatic relations with Germany hours after that American liner Housatonic was sunk.
  • selective service act passes

    selective service act passes
    this pass was passed to help the Americans stay in the war. it was if your of age to join the war you are put in a massive drawing. You have no choice but to join.
  • battle of Amines

    battle of Amines
    This war brought the Allied to victory. Then in August 1918 they launched an attack with nearly 75,000 men, 500 tank, and 2,000 planes. This was the and for them.