Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Franz Ferdinand was shot by Serbian nationalist sparking the fire that will be WWI -
Austria declares war on Serbia
Austria declares war on Serbia after assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand -
Lusitania sinks
Lusitania sinks do to German unrestricted submarine warfare -
battle of jutland
naval battle fought by the British Royal Navy's Grand Fleet against the German fleet -
Zimmerman Telegram Published in the US
Zimmerman Telegram Published in the US showing that Germany wants Mexico to fight America -
Germany resumes unrestricted submarine warfare
Germany resumes unrestricted submarine warfare and sinks pretty much anything -
Russian Revolution begins
Russian Revolution begins transforming their government -
US declares war on Germany
US declares war on Germany because of the Zimmerman telegram and alliances -
Influenza epidemic
Influenza epidemic that affected most countries -
Russia signed Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Russia signed Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and pulled out of war -
Armistice Signed
end of WWI -
Treaty of Versailles signed
Treaty of Versailles signed officially ending war