• Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    Franz Ferdinand was assassination at the age of 50 and his wife at the age of 46 by Gavrlio Princip with a gun. Gavrlio was a Bosnian Serb member and he was 19 when he assassinated Franz Ferdinand
  • Austrian-Hungary made war on Serbia

    Austrian-Hungary made war on Serbia
    This war was what started this world war which happens to begin one month after Franz Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated.
  • Allied forces land on Gallipoli Pennsylvania

    Allied forces land on Gallipoli Pennsylvania
    This was to try and get allied ships to be able to pass through Dardanelles.
  • Battle of verdin

    Battle of verdin
    This was one of the bloodiest battle with 400,000 French dead and 350,000 Germany’s dead.
  • Russia signs armistice with Germany

    Russia signs armistice with Germany
    This is a peace treaty that Russia signed by there new leader Lenin.
  • British and American forces enter Germany

    British and American forces enter Germany
    After a 56 hour battle American and British forces cross over the Hindenburg line which means they invaded Germany.