• Period: to

    World War one and veteran time span

  • Storm troopers

    Storm troopers
    The Storm troopers were made of two corps the Jäger corp and the Pioneer corp. These cores were great at combat at long ranges and at close range combat. They were very good at woodland combat. This caused them to be very well equip and suited for battle.
  • Sharpshooters

    At the start of the War the Germans had the Jäger corp as their sharpshooters. On the other hand the Allies were unable to have such a designated corp. Until the sniping school was made. This enabled the Allies to be taught the correct way to snipe.
  • Start of the War

    Start of the War
    The War started officially when the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a very nationalistic group of people. This was the final straw and it opened the gateway for the Great War as it was called to start.
  • Reasons the War started

    Reasons the War started
    The War started because of MANIA. Militarism Germany was beefing up its military. Allies there were two alliances the allies and the triple entente. Nationalism people thinking their country was the best. Imperialism taking over smaller nations. Assassination of Franz Ferdinand.
  • Fort Douaumont

    Fort Douaumont
    The battle for Fort Douaumont was a battle between the Germans and the French. The French ultimately won the battle but took heavy casualties before getting pushed back. The Germans were only able to start to recapture the fort after using Jägers.
  • Battle of Jutland

    Battle of Jutland
    The battle of Jutland was a battle in which the German Navy and the British Navy had their first major battle. The Germans were far superior and had far more ships.The British Lost way more ships than the Germans. The Germans were blocked out of their ports and then in the night they were able to get back into the ports.
  • Battle of the Isonzo

    Battle of the Isonzo
    The battle of the Isonzo was a battle in which the Ottomans and the British were fighting over a River. This River was very crucial to the victory in the Middle East. The River had many battles fought for it and was never safe for a long period of time.
  • Journal of Turner

    Journal of Turner
    This journal was a bunch of pictures from my veterans time in WW1. This shows a lot of his friends and people he worked with. In his journal there is around 52 pictures. This journal does not have any descriptions about the pictures just some random words and the pictures.
  • Interview of Turners family

    Interview of Turners family
    In this interview they interview someone close to Charles. They talk about his time in the war and how he felt about it. He seemed very fine with the war and did not get drafted he enlisted. He seemed very happy to serve his country and he was a very smart man.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The battle of Verdun was the longest and bloodiest battle of the first World War. Within the first day one million shells were shot. There were no connection to the front lines and a full retreat ensued. This caused no more trench warfare and only fast paced Forrest warfare. Out of every 5 men three were buried one was injured and one was waiting.
  • Battle of the Somme

    Battle of the Somme
    The French and British barraged the Germans for an hour. The shells failed to break through the barbed wire for the British. The French were able to break through the German lines but had to hold up due to the British unable to catch up.
  • End of the War

    End of the War
    The war ended on 11-11-18 aka Armistice day. The Armistice ended and blamed the whole war on Germany. This way of ending the war led the world into World War Two. So I feel it is was not a good way to solve the war.
  • Honorable discharge of Turner

    Honorable discharge of Turner
    On this day my veteran Charles Daniel Turner, was honorably discharged from the Navy. His naval service was not that action packed during the war but he was still happy to serve it is not known why he joined but he did and he was put into the Navy. He worked on a submarine as a mechanical engineer. This document shows his dedication to his country by showing his service.
  • Re-enlistment in the Military of Turner

    Re-enlistment in the Military of Turner
    On this day my veteran Charles Daniel Turner enlisted back into the military after being honorably discharged that very same day. I think he did this because he loved his country and his time in the service. A later interview about him and his war experience showed no reason on why he enlisted either time.
  • Honorable discharge number two

    Honorable discharge number two
    On this day my Veteran was again honorably discharged from the military. This was his final discharged he never went back into the military after this and had no reason to try to enlist for a third time.