Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were shot and killed by black hands member Gavrilo Princip. -
Great War begins
originated in Europe , deadliest conflict in history, ended November 11, 1918. -
Kaiser declares “open season” on ships
He announced Germany's intention to sink any and all ships with flags of Britain, Russia or France found within British waters. -
Lusitania sank
It sank in 18 minutes while Germany waged submarine warfare against Great Britain and Ireland. -
Battle of the Somme
British and french v. germany, took place on both sides of Somme River -
Wilson re-elected
Wilson was pitted against supreme court justice Charles Hughes Wilson won by nearly 600,000 votes -
Zimmerman note intercepted
British intercepted telegram proposed military alliance between Germany and Mexico in case of the US entering WWI against Germany -
Selective Service Act
authorized federal government to raise a national army for the american entry into WWI through the compulsory -
Convoy system
The convoy system in World War I was organizing ships into large groups under the protection of armed naval vessels to give us better defense against German U-boat attacks. -
Espionage Age passed
Passed shortly after United States entered war. Had 10,000 dollar fine and 20 years imprisonment for interfering with recruitment of troops. -
Russia pulls out of the war
Russia's communist leader, Vladimir Lenin pulled them out of the war . -
Flu Epidemic
1918- 1920 The flu epidemic killed more people than WWI (somewhere between 20 and 40 million people ) -
Fourteen Points speech
Made by Wilson . He took many domestic progressive ideas and translated them into foreign policy. -
Sedition Act passed
Extended espionage Act, to cover a broader range of offenses, said that no one can say negative things about the war or government. -
Germany signs armistice
Ended World War one -
US declares war on Germany
happened hours after Germany declared war on the United States following the japanese attack on pearl harbor