• The Archduke's assassination

    The Archduke's assassination
    The Archduke of Austria was assassinated, causing the outrage of the public now leading to the events of WW1. He was in a place called "Sarajevo" at the time. All of it happened while he was being escorted. In fact, this enraged his fans/followers so much, they called it the "July crisis"
  • The beginning of WW1

    The beginning of WW1
    From the assassination of the archduke, the war has indeed started. On this exact day, Germany invaded Belgium. Germany attacked Belgium because Belgium wanted to stay neutral during this war. As soon as they attacked, Belgium did not hesitate and immediately fought back. But, there army was not as powerful as Germany's army.
  • The first tank is created, and sent out to battle

    The first tank is created, and sent out to battle
    The British design the first tank ever, and deploy the 1st tank ever to battle in WW1. Except the fact that they are poorly made, they are good for some things. Such as, break through barbed wire and clearing paths for infantry and such. But they often got stuck in trenches, and the operators were shot easily. They mainly failed at there one goal, which was to be used as a main weapon.
  • The U.S enters the war

    The U.S enters the war
    The U.S congress approves for the initial attack on Germany. U.S enter the war to fight alongside the allies. The United States were on Frances side with Belgium. An initial number of over 4,000,000 soldiers engaged in the war. Overall, there was an initial count of over 53,000 american casualties in WW1
  • Germany and Russia are at peace

    Germany and Russia are at peace
    The Germans have signed a peace treaty with the New Bolshevik Government of Russia. Thus, has ended all conflict between the two countries during WW1. Estimated, there is an amount of 1,800,000 Russian casualties during this war.
  • The battle of Cantigny

    The battle of Cantigny
    It was the first major American fought battle in WW1. It was smaller compared to the other battles, but still one fir the history books.
  • Battle of Belleau Wood

    Battle of Belleau Wood
    When this battle began, the U.S Marine corps attack through open fields of wheat. In result, it has caused MAJOR casualties.
  • Battle of St.Mihiel

    Battle of St.Mihiel
    300,000 U.S troops were under direct order/command General Pershing leading them into lines of enemy troops.
  • Albert John Carpenter

    Albert John Carpenter
    Albert John Carpenter was enlisted into the 36th Division of the 142nd Infantry, and has called the month of October 1918 "The most eventful month of my life" for my first event, he says that a bunch of Boche prisoners have taken machine guns and a ton of Americans were killed by the cause of this. http://memory.loc.gov/diglib/vhp/story/loc.natlib.afc2001001.00225/#vhp:official
  • Albert John Carpenter, the very next day

    Albert John Carpenter, the very next day
    "The battle continues. Boche burning down many towers back. Boche lay artillery entourage on a relay station, a shell just went over my head and killed Lt. Lowery. St. Etienne has been under heavy fire all day" http://memory.loc.gov/diglib/vhp/story/loc.natlib.afc2001001.00225/#vhp:official
  • Albert John Carpenter, October 12th

    Albert John Carpenter, October 12th
    "My lungs are very sore. I have been throwing up blood all day. I took charge of the telephone at about 2 P.M on duty till 12:00 P.M. 144th infantry goes over the top. It drove the Boche back. I've had the 1st hot meal since I've been on the fronts. http://memory.loc.gov/diglib/vhp/story/loc.natlib.afc2001001.00225/#vhp:official
  • Albert John Carpenter, October 14th

    Albert John Carpenter, October 14th
    "My company digs in and prepares for yet another battle. Boche have a good positioning on the Aisne river. It is very dark now and then Boche shells would come near. Still raining, slept in the open all night, and nearly froze, had an awful headache. French artillery came close to my hole"
  • Albert John Carpenter, October 23rd

    Albert John Carpenter, October 23rd
    "Now on French sector that they were unable to take. We must drive the Boche back. 2nd Battalion on front with about 200 men instead of 800. Had to go back to a town named "Leffencourt" to get some signal equipment. I wrote a short letter to my mother. (Had lost my rifle, pack, and my other clothes) Got a rifle off of a dead comrade"
  • Wilhelm abdicates

    Wilhelm abdicates
    The German emperor Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates. Basically letting Germany automatically lose the war. He sneakily slips over the border that goes into the Netherlands, where he reminds people of his life in relative peace and writes a memoir to himself defending his actions of war.
  • Armistice day

    Armistice day
    There is an Armistice being signed to declare the ending the war on the western front. Signed at Le Franceport. As I stated, it ended water, ground and air battles during WW1. But not everyone heard this fast enough, so there still was (some) battles still being fought elsewhere.