• Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated

  • Allies vs. Central Powers

  • Germany Declares War on Russia

  • The Scheifflin Plan

  • Germans Capture Warsaw from Russia

  • Trench Warefare

  • British Blockade

  • Battle of Verdun

  • Battle of Somme Begins

  • New Weapons of World War One

  • Tanks First Used

  • German Submarine Warfare

  • February Revolution

  • The March Revolution

  • America Enters War

  • WIB (War Industries Board)

  • Wilson's 14 Points

  • Germany Broke Through Somme

  • Second Battle of Marne

  • Turkey Makes Peace

  • Austria MAkes Peace

  • Kaiser Willhelm 2 Adbicated

  • Germany Signs Armisctice With Allies

  • League of Nations

  • The Treaty of Versailles