• Archduke Francis Ferdinand is assasinated

  • Period: to


    Archduke Francis Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is assasinated .
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

  • Russia enters the war as Serbia's protecter and begins readying their troops

  • Germany declares war on Russia

  • Brittain enters the war and USA proclaims there neutrality

  • woman suffragists protested for peace to remain

  • German army advances thrirty miles within Paris and they reach a stalemate

  • Lusitania is sunk along with 128 Americans by German U-boats

  • U-boats sink the Sussex creating the need for the Sussex pledge

  • Germany ends the Sussex Pledge

  • America cuts off all diplomatic relations with Germany, and Wilson asks congress for permission to arm merchant ships, shortly after the Zimmerman note is intercepted

  • Russian Revolution

  • Germany sinks 3 US ships

  • WIlson tells congress there is a need for war

  • War Resolution is approved and signed

  • Congress passes a Selective Service Act

  • AEF arrives in France

  • President WIlson stands before Congress with the fourteen point plan

  • Lenin signs a truce with Germany

  • German forces attacks Brittish lines and advance

  • American troops attacked and recapture the village of Cantigny

  • Soldiers from the Marine Corps and the army stop the German attack at Belleauwood and Chateau Thierry

  • the Allied armies stop the German advance in the north and recapture Germany's earlier gains

  • the final allied assault, the Meuse-Argonne Offensive

  • German ships mutiny to avoid needless loss of lives

  • the Kaiser has fled to Holland

  • an armistice is signed

  • the Allies present Germany with the treaty

  • Germany signs the Treaty of Versailles

  • Woodrow Wilson presents the treaty to congress where it is rejected

  • Congress votes to disregard the Treaty of Versailles and declares the war officially over, Wilson vetoes it

  • another joint resolution to end the war is passed with Warren Harding now in office