WW2 Webquest

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    Adolf Hitler

    When Hitler was Younger he wanted to be a Painter but was denied from going to Art school. HE joined on the fight in WW1 and served Multiple Injuries. and started to get into politics after the war and reformed the Nazi Party of Germany.
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    Mass Slaughter of 6 Million Jews
  • Reichstag Fire

    The parliament building of Germany was arson attacked. Hitler Blamed it on Communists
  • Book Burning in Germany

    College Students across Germany Burned any Books that were found to be UnGerman
  • Nuremberg Race Laws

    Laws passed that took away citizenship and rights of Jewish people in Germany
  • Jessie Owens

    Jessie Owns was the first american to win 4 Olympic Medals for track and field.
  • Kristallnacht

    A planned attack on Jewish Business, Homes and Synagogues
  • Nazi Camps

    there were 44000 Nazi Camps where political Prisoners were held.
  • Jewish Ghettos

    Jews were separated and held in Ghettos around Germany and Poland.The biggest Ghettos was in Warsaw Poland