
WW2 Timeline

  • World War 2 offficially starts

    World War 2 offficially starts
    World War II officially began on September 1, 1939, when Nazi Germany invaded Poland.
    Cause and Effect
    Germany invaded poland and WW2 began
  • Canada Declares War On Germany

    Canadians took part in war as Britain and France were at war with Germany yet again.So canada joined as well.
  • Winston Churchill becomes leader of the British government

    Historical Significance Britian was suffering and the PM had ressigned, so Churchill came into the spotlight as a sense of hope for the people.
  • Battle of Britian

    cause and affect of this was the Nazi in Germany wanted to invade England, Germany needed control to be sucessful in invading England
  • Invading Russia

    Historical Significance
    this invasion was the major German offensive on Russia.
  • Japan bombs the U.S. military base at Pearl Harbor.

    Japanese planes attack the United States by bombing its military base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. The next day, President Franklin D. Roosevelt meets with Congress and Congress declares war on Japan. Germany and Italy respond by declaring war on the U.S.
  • US navy Defeats the Japanese navy

    Japanese were humiliated before from the US, they decided to attack with power and less planning stratagies, turned out to be a downfall
  • Dieppe Raid

    Cause and Effect 907 Canadian soldiers were killed, 2,460 were wounded, and 1,946 Canadians were taken prisoner
  • D-Day

    Cause & Affect:
    D-Day was fighting Nazi's but the affect was heavy as 4,413 deaths occoured .
  • Germany surrenders to the Allies

    Ethical Dimension: Germany should not have started the war in the first place they put peoples lives in danger for more power even after WW1 many lives were lost now and then
  • Atomic bombs are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    A B-29 bomber drops an atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan. 40,000 people are killed and Emperor Hirohito announces days later that Japan will surrender.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Cause and Effect
    Hitler commiting suicide effects Germany by automatically owning defeat in WW2.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Cause & Affect:
    Loss of many lives occured