Japanese invasion of China
Sino-Japanese War
The Japanese needed resources for there country, so they attacked China. The Japanese managed to conquer and control some of eastern China. This contributed to Japan getting resources for the war. -
German Blitzkrieg
Germany wanted to avoid a long war. Germany's strategy was to defeat its opponents in a series of short attacks. This was a successful tactic that lead to Germany invading most of Europe. -
Germany's invasion of Poland
poland invasionGermany continues there quest of dominating Europe by invading Poland. The Germans managed to defeat the Polish army within weeks of the invasion. The invasion of Poland marked the start of WW2 known as the Second World War. It also got France and Britain into the war. -
Fall of Paris
Paris InvasionGermany took over Paris and pushed the French back. The Germans were able to break through the French defenses and that allowed them to take over the city. This allowed Germany to have control over Paris. -
Operation Barbarosa
ob Adolf Hitler sent his armies eastward to try and invade the Soviet Union. He had three army groups that had a total of over three million troops. It took place on the North Cape to the Black Sea front. The invasion covered a distance of two thousand miles. The failure of operation Barbarosa caused Germany to fight a two-front war. That resulted in Germany having to use more resources. -
Pearl Harbor
Pearl HarborPearl Harbor was an attacked on America by the Japanese to try and take out most of American Navel Fleet. By doing this it would give the Japanese an advantage on the Pacific front. The attacked of Pearl Harbor lead to America joining WW2. -
wake island
island of wake The battle of wake was fought by a few American troops aganst a whole Japenses attack .The Japenses wanted Wake so they could increase the toal of island that they controled in the pacific .The Americans were able to fend of the first attack , but the Japanses came back and took over wake -
Wannsee Conference
High ranking Nazi Party and German government officials gathered in a Berlin suburb called Wannsee. They met there to talked about a plan called the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question" which was a plan to kill off the Jews. The Wannsee conference played a big role in how the Germans would gather the Jews and kill them. -
Battle of Midway
BATTLE OF MIDWAYMidway was an important island because it was halfway bettween America and Japan. It allowed planes to refuel and push on. By obtaining midway it put America in good position to attack Japan. America won and this was an important turning point in the Pacific campaign. -
Battle of Stalingrad
stalingrad russiaIt was the most important battle in the sovient union. The German surrounded the city of Stalingrad in hopes of overtaking it.The German wanted Stalingard so they could have control over a major city in Russia. The Allies were able to fend of the German invasion and push the Germans back. -
Operation Gormorrah
<a href='http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/world-war-two/the-bombing-campaign-of-world-war-two/the-bombing-of-hamburg-in-1943/' > The bombing of Hamburg in 1943. This operation involved a series of air attacks on Hamburg, Germany. Britian wanted to take out one of Germany main cities and reduce the morale of the Nazi party. A total 30,000 people died in the raids. This attack made some people in the Nazi party wonder if they should continue or call for peace. -
d day
On June 6, 1944, more than 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily defended French coastline, to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy. The mission was to defeat the German defense and march inland to defeat Hitler and his Nazi party. D-Day marked the beginning of the end of Nazi Germany. -
Operation Thunderclap
battle of bulgeIt was a plan by the allies to bomb major cities in Germany. The purpose of this operation was to take out some of Germany's major cities and also lower the morale of the German people. It was succesful and the allies managed destroy some of Germany's cities (Dresden,Leipzig) -
Battle of Bulge
The Germans launch the last major offensive attack of the war. This was an attempt too push the allied forces back. After the battle the America had around 75,000 casualties. While the Germans lost around 80,000 to l00,000. -
Liberation of concentration camps
[liberation of concentration camps](http:// http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005131)As the allied troops marched inland of Germany they encountered concentration camps. Concentration camps consisted of war prisoners and Jews who were sick and weak and had little chance of survival if they escaped. As the Allies came across these camps they would free the prisoners.. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
battle-of-iwo-jima The battle of Iwo Jima was a major battle in WW2. The U.S. Marines landed on and eventually captured the island of Iwo Jima. Iwo Jima was an important island to Japan because it
provided aid to navel units in need. Its also had an airbase that allowed them to intercept allied bombers.. -
Battle of Okinawa
Battle of Iwo JimaBattle of OkinawaBattle of nawa was know has the largest amphibious landing in the Pacific theater of World War II.was an 80 day apense vs America batle . The Jappense need the island of oinawa because it was close to japan and that made it a great place for an airbase .America wanted that island so they could use it has a base of operations 100000 casulties -
VE Day
Victory in EuropeVE Day was the day when Nazi Germany's officially surrender to the allied power. Nazi Germany ran out of man power and supplies so they had no choice but to give up. VE Day marked the end of the war in Europe. -
Dropping of the Atomic Bombs
atomic bombs
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the two cities that the Atomic bombs were dropped on Harry Truman saw an opportunity when he learned that the Manhattan Project (atomic bombers) was ready. After serious consideration Truman decided to drop them. The dropping of the Atomic bombs ended the war in the Pacific Front . -
VJ day
VJ was the day when Japan declared peace. They declared peace after America droped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. VJ marked the end of the war .