WW2 Project

  • Lend-Lease Act

    Lend-Lease Act
    This act set up a system that would allow the United States to lend or lease war supplies to any nation deemed "vital to the defense of the United States."
  • Atlantic Charter

    Atlantic Charter
    A joint declaration released by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill following a meeting of the two heads of government in Newfoundland. The Atlantic Charter provided a broad statement of U.S. and British war aims.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    the site of the unprovoked aerial attack on the United States by Japan. Before the attack, many Americans were reluctant to become involved in the war in Europe. This all changed when the United States declared war on Japan, bringing the country into World War II.
  • Japanese Internment Camps

    Japanese Internment Camps
    It was a forced relocation by the U.S. government of thousands of Japanese Americans to detention camps during World War II. The cause of the forced relocation was the bombing on Pearl Harbor by Japanese bombers.
  • Bataan

    The siege of Bataan was the first major land battle for the Americans in World War II and one of the most-devastating military defeats in American history. The force on Bataan, numbering some 76,000 Filipino and American troops, is the largest army under American command ever to surrender. It lasted from January 7 to April 9, 1942.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    The Battle of Midway was a major naval battle in the Pacific Theater of World War II that took place 4–7 June 1942, six months after the Empire of Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor and one month after the Battle of the Coral Sea in which the United States destroyed Japan's first-line carrier strength and most of its best trained naval pilots.
  • Guadalcanal

    Major battle between the United States and Japan in World War II. The battle marked the first time since entering the war that the United States had gone on the offensive and attacked the Japanese. The battle lasted six months from August 7, 1942 to February 9, 1943.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    First major Allied amphibious assault during World War II. It involved about 65,000 troops who landed at Casablanca, Algiers, and Oran on the French North African coast.
  • Island-Hopping

    The skipping of over heavily fortified islands in order to seize lightly defended locations that could support the next advance—became known as island hopping. As Japanese strongholds were isolated, defenders were left to weaken from starvation and disease.
  • Los Alamos

    Los Alamos
    During World War II, Los Alamos, New Mexico was the administrative hub of the Manhattan/the site for the top-secret atomic weapons laboratory directed by J. Robert Oppenheimer.
  • The Italian Campaign

    The Italian Campaign
    The Italian Campaign, from July 10, 1943, to May 2, 1945, was a series of Allied beach landings and land battles from Sicily and southern Italy up the Italian mainland toward Nazi Germany.
  • D-Day

    The D-Day operation of June 6, 1944, brought together the land, air, and sea forces of the allied armies in what became known as the largest amphibious invasion in military history. The operation, given the codename OVERLORD, delivered five naval assault divisions to the beaches of Normandy, France as a first step to take back Europe.
  • The Fall of Berlin

    The Fall of Berlin
    The Battle of Berlin was fought between German and Soviet forces throughout April and May 1945. It ended with the fall of Berlin to the Soviet Red Army, which took revenge for the suffering of the Soviet people since 1941 and in the death of Hitler and the complete destruction of the Nazi regime.
  • Meeting at Yalta

    Meeting at Yalta
    The Yalta Conference, held 4–11 February 1945, was the World War II meeting of the heads of government of the United States, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union to discuss the postwar reorganization of Germany and Europe.
  • Meeting at Potsdam

    Meeting at Potsdam
    The Big Three—Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (replaced on July 26 by Prime Minister Clement Attlee), and U.S. President Harry Truman—met in Potsdam, Germany, from July 17 to August 2, 1945, to negotiate terms for the end of World War II.
  • Hiroshima

    A Japanese city on which the United States dropped the first atomic bomb used in warfare. The atomic bomb was named Little Boy and caused mass destruction and devastation.
  • Nagasaki

    The Japanese city which was the second to get bombed by an atomic bomb which the one that did was called the Fat Man. It was also one of the most destructive attacks like the previous atomic bomb and caused terrible human devastation and helped end World War II.