WW2 Nazi germany

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    In September 1918 general Ludendorff, the virtual military dictator of germany, persuaded the kaiser to transfer power to a civilian government and demand that it seek an armistice. germany’s
    military leaders then shifted the blame for the nation’s defeat and humiliation from the military and the old order to the new democratic government.
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    In 1921 Hitler had become their first president, and the SA was created to terrorise socialists and communists.
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    By 1923 the party had support from several army officers. The basic ideas of Nazi ideology were:
    • only the strong survive
    • the hated communism is regarded as a Jewish ideology
    • the Germanic master race must defeat its racial enemies,
    especially the Jews.
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    1926 to indoctrinate young Germans. The Nazis gained supporters through public spectacles such as the Nuremberg rallies, through the support of influential individuals such as Alfred Hugenberg, who controlled 700 newspapers, and through propaganda blaming Germany’s problems on communists and Jews. Joseph Goebbels was appointed to head the Nazi propaganda unit in 1929.
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    A month after Hitler became Chancellor, the Reichstag was severely damaged by fire and the Nazis stirred up fears of a communist uprising. Hitler persuaded Hindenburg
    to issue a Decree for the Protection of People and State. This allowed for imprisonment without trial and abolition of freedom of the press, speech and assembly. During
    the weeks preceding the March 1933 elections, the Nazis used the decree to restrict campaigning by other parties.