WW2 Lesson 3 Events

  • Anzio, Jan-May 1944

    Anzio, Jan-May 1944
    U.S. forces landed near Rome behind German lines
  • Battle of the Bulge, Dec. 1944- Jan 1945

    Last large German counter-attack against American and British troops was halted.
  • Leingrad, Sept. 1941- Jan 1944

    Beg. of the 900 days where the soviet held off Germans who were besieging the city. Ended Jan 1944.
  • El Alamein, Nov 1942

    El Alamein, Nov 1942
    British forces defeated German forces commanded by Rommel, preventing German control of North Africa.
  • May 1942

    Adolf H. ordered his army to capture oil fields, factories, anf farmlands in Southern Russia and Ukraine.
  • Stalingrad, Feb. 1943

    A large German force was defeated at the city of Stalingrad, ending German hopes of defeating the Soviet Union.
  • Kenserine Pass, Feb- Mar. 1943

    American troops fought German forces for the first time, and americans got beat horribly.
  • Sicily July- Aug 1943

    Sicily July- Aug 1943
    Allies landed in Sicily; began the liberation of Italy.
  • D-Day, June 1944

    D-Day, June 1944
    Allies landed at Normandy; began liberation of France.
  • Operation Market Garden, Sept. 1944.

    Allied troops parachuted into the Netherlands to seize bridges across the Rhine, but the attack failed.