Winston Churchill Realises HK is in danger
Winston Churchill realizes that Hong Kong is in danger and decides to send
reinforcements. -
Canadian Troops Arrive
2 Canadian battalions arrive to reinforce Hong Kong, they increase them number of battalions to 6. This was effectively good money thrown after bad. -
Japanese Attack Kai-Tak Airfield
36 Japanese fighters attack Kai Tak airfield destorying most of the Britsh aircraft and also civillian aircraft. Japanese enginers quickly patch up the broken bridges a roads damaged by the bombing. The airfield is left badly damaged. They start their attack on HK -
Shing Mun Redoubt capture
The strongest line of the "gindrinkers" line is captured, there was no counter-attack attempted. The britsh forces were forced to withdraw back to Hong Kong Island -
Japanese Demand Surrender
Ignored -
Heavy Bombing On HK Island
Japanese begin a heavy bombing and artillery barrage of the island's northern coastal defenses. -
Japanese's Main Attack On HK Island
Grenadiers Retake mount Butler with heavy casualties
Japanese attack Royal rifles and capture Stanley fort
Currency change to Japanese Millitary Yen
Hong Kong Dollar was outlawed and replaced by the Japanese Military Yen. The exchange rate was fixed at 2 Hong Kong dollars to one military yen. -
HK-Kowloon brigade established
the HK-Kowloon brigade (港九大隊) was established from the Guangdong
People's anti-Japanese Guerilla force led by Cai Guo-liang (蔡國梁)
They fight until the end of the occupation -
Streets Renamed To Japanese (Central)
streets and buildings in Central were renamed in Japanese