
  • Anne Frank

    Anne frank was born on June 12th 1929 she was Jewish and spent half her life in hiding, she was given a dairy on her birthday.when they was found and arrested they were sent to concentration camps in November 1st 1944 they were transferred to another concentration camp they died shortly after.
  • Period: to

    president roosevelt

    FDR was President of the United States of America from 1933-1945, the longest sitting president. He is responsible for declaring war on Japan after the bombing at Pearl Harbor, but died before the end of the war.
  • Invasion of Poland

    German troops go into the Polish frontier. The German military machine strikes in a lightning war. a High-speed tank units blast holes in the Polish lines. air force bombers destroy the Polish air force on the ground, damaged communications lines, and prevent the Poles from moving reinforcements, supplies, and ammunition to the front, while German motorized units, foot soldiers quickly move forward to capture and hold the conquered ground. 53 German divisions take part in the attack.
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    Evacuation of the children

    children of all ages were sent to diffrent palces to avoid the ww2
  • Battle of Britain

    In April of 1940, the German army invaded Denmark and Norway.
    In May the army staged a two pronged attack on France and Belgium,the advancing German divisions cut off the British troops, who were forced to retreat across the English Channel.
    On June 21st France asked for a armistice.
  • The blitz from the German word blitzkrieg meaning lightning war

    At 4:56 on September 7th over 350 German bombers dropped more then 300 hundred bombs on London, London was bombed every night for 11 weeks one third of London was destroyed.
    In one night over 2,000 was dead or injured in all 32,000 civilians were killed and 87,000 was seriously injured.
  • Pearl harbor attack

    The attack on Pearl Harbor an idea by Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, aproved by Japanese naval geneal staff and carried out by vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo, on December 7th 1941.
    Estimated death count is 2,403 American civilians and Military personnel leaving 1,178 wounded.