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    Geneva convention

    Made peace by helping wounded. And cleaning the mess that war makes
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    Neutrality act

    This provides aid for aggressive nations. This also coordinate d conflict between other nations
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    This allowed Germany to take over territory. This also improved military and technology.
  • Japan Invades China

    This Increased tension because the Japanese believed that U.S opinions were unjust. Also, International affairs became tense.
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    Because of this Germany faced financial loss, causing tension. FDR also began letting media make stories against Nazis.
  • U- Boat Attack

    Roosevelt was unfazed by the tradegy and decided to remain neutal
  • Non agression pact

    U.S became weary of Germany because of surprise secret revealed about soviet union and germany
  • Hitler breaks pact

    This sparked a long lasting war. This made u.s suspicious of Germany creating some tension.
  • war declared on germany by poland, and france

    ww2 sparked and U.S remained neutral.
  • Poland ceased to exist

    This concerned U.S and sparked an everlasting war
  • Nurembreg Laws

    this concerned American public, however FDR didn't do much
  • Hitler invades and Splits France

    Increased tension, leading to D- day. Germany became desperate and wanted to defeat England. ( Which is U.S Allies) causing tension for the U.S as well.
  • Hitler invades denmark

    This showed strength in Germany military power and increased war tension with Britain an U.S
  • Soviet Union and Baltic States

    Increased threatening tension from Soviet Union.
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    Luftwaffe and RAF combing

    London was bombed and many were killed and U.S was furious. At the end of this Germany failed.
  • selective traincing act

    This made u.s military threating increasing tension with there enemies.
  • Triparcte Pact

    U.S created a defense alliance. This was threatening for the axis powers.
  • Lend lease plan

    This allowed U.S and Britian to fight Germany. This meant defeat for germany, therefore it created tension.
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    Atlantic charter

    This document was a affirmation of certain common principles of national policies of their respective countries. This was a message of hope fo nations, easing tension.
  • Executive order 8802

    This banned discrimination and established fair employment. This created mild peace with the Japanese
  • U.S Cuts trade with Japan

    Because of this event japan lost 88% of there trade and the needed land for resourses. This sparked war between the U.S and Japan/
  • Cash and carry

    This holded neutrality between u.s and Europe while aiding Britian. This creates tension between Germany b/c they are aiding Britian " there foes"
  • Pearl Harbor attack

    Climaxed worsening relationships between us and Japan, Creating a imense amount of tension. This also showed Japan's military strength
  • U.S Declares war on Japan

    Both powers increased their military and this event led to the creation of internment camps.
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    Put war in favor for allies. This was the beginning of victory
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    Americans feared Japanese power and wnayed revenge
  • Island hopping strategy

    U.S Military was strengthened and japan was fearful. There was many casualties on Japan's side , increasing tension.
  • Order 9066

    This gave power to the military commander. He lowed the creation of internment camps where the Japanese were extremely mistreated. This increased tension between US and japan
  • Battle of Midway

    This was marked a turning point for the military schedule and caused catastrophic losses.
  • D-Day

    Armistice law, increased tension with Hitler. France also became getaway for allied forces, Axis powers and Allies fought over france
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    el alame

    Rammel was drove back to Aghelia in libyya. German commander was cheating again
  • Liberation of concentration camps

    U.S Citizens ended up in concentration camps. Liberators also saw the horrors of the camps creating more tension.
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    Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and hagaski

    US Concluded their side of war. Also ther was tension between the Soviet Union because Americans signaled strength of their military.
  • Korematsu Vs. U.S

    The Japanese Saw that they would constantly discriminated and sent to interment camps. This caused an increase in tension
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    Battle of the bulge

    Germany lost, and this was Hitler's last major attack This event also influenced the end of war.
  • Iwo jima

    One of the bloodiest war in WW2. Iwo Jima's strategy was put into question
  • Iwo Jima

    One of the bloodiest war of ww2. After fighting, strategy of Iwo Jima was put into question
  • VJ Day

    Japan surrendered to the U.S. This ended long, tension between U.S and Japan
  • VE Day

    Tension from war ended, although there was still mild tension
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    Posstam Conference

    U.S increased ties with allies, but caused more conflict with soviet union.