By eeb22
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Triple Alliance and Triple Entente that caused Germany to take all the blame for WW1. Germany lost much land and had to pay a lot of money.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Fall of the stock market in America caused a worldwide depression. America's unemployment rate went through the roof and thousands of banks were closed.
  • Hitler Rises to Power

    Hitler was elected chancellor after saving Germany from the depression. Caused him to rise to power and become a dictator.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany invaded Poland, therefore causing Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany.
  • Germany uses Blitzkrieg

    Method used by Germany to gain so much land very quickly (Netherlands, Belgium, Northern France)
  • Battle of Britain

    Germany launches air attacks on Great Britain. The battle involved both air forces. Britain started rebuilding army after their victory.
  • Winston Churchill becomes Leader of British Government

  • Italy Enters War

    Italy joins the war and sides with the Axis Powers.
  • Auschwitz Prisoners Arrive

    Extermination Camp (Auschwitz) begins taking prisoners.
  • Germany and Axis Powers Invade Russia

    Attacked Russia with over four million troops.
  • Stalingrad

    The main turning point in WW2 on the eastern front; Russias victory started their push to regain lost ground and eventually reach Germany.
  • Leningrad

    Siege where Germany cut off all roads to Leningrad. Russian citizens starved and struggled through the cold winter. Part of Operation Barbosa.
  • D-Day

    America invades French beaches. Began Allies campaign to take back France.
  • Paris freed from Germany

    Allied Powers take back Paris.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Last five months of the war; Last major Nazi offenses toward Allies (Hail Mary) Allied win
  • President Roosevelt Dies

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt died and was succeeded​ by Harry Truman.
  • Germany surrenders to Allies

    Germany surrenders
  • Nuremberg Trials

    Trials that punished Nazis for crimes during WW2. Held them accountable for action. 12 executed Nazis. (after ww2/Nazi defeat)