WW2 and The Cold War

  • Period: 1800 BCE to 2000 BCE


    The prejudice and discrimination against Jews, shown through many acts to trick German Civilians to hate Jews.
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    information that was biased to influence public ideas on political views which can be misleading to the public. (can be pictures, commercials, etc.)
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    Mass Consumerism

    The social and economic change in society where goods were demanded and wanted and the market an economy increased with money and goods.
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    A social and economic movement of organization to establish a system where people and businesses make their own decisions (managing their profit) and the state/government does not have control.
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    A social and economic movement of organization to establish a communist society. (economic equality)
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    Winston Churchill

    Established as Hitlers and the Nazi Party Regime in Germany, as they rose to power and had a lot of control.
  • Period: to Apr 12, 945

    Franklin D. Roosevelt

    FDR was president of united states and was the first president to serve more than 2 terms. He helped boost U.S economy to be stable for the war and made sure to defeat Germany and Japan with it's allies.
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    Adolf Hitler

    The leader of the Nazi Party who is responsible for the Holocaust and discrimination of Jews. He rose from power as chancellor to being able to create a mass genocide.
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    Dislike of foriegn people or immigrants from other countries.
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    Charles Lindbergh

    United Sates aviator with a successful plan flight (solo transatlantic) and from there opened the opportunity of quicker way of transporting things.
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    Joseph McCarthy

    An American senator of Wisconsin who was very determined during the red scare era to seek out communist using his threatening tactics.
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    The Red Scare

    Period of paranoia and fear for the spread of communism in the United States. Many threats were made and people on the hunt for communists leading to conformity.
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    John F Kennedy

    President of the United States, coming from wealthy backgrounds but was assassinated in his early presidency. Was apart of the Cuban missile crisis and bay pigs invasion.
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    Nazi Party

    A Political party in Germany that supported National Socialism and hated Jews and controlled Germany under it's dictatorship and controlled many lives. (Germany became totalitarian.)
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    Betty friedan

    Feminist, activist and writer of the popular feminine mystique book to showcase what society pictures woman as and their actual thought desires and beliefs. questioning women roles.
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    The St. Louis

    Was a ship carrying many Jews (900) that were refugees trying to escape the Holocaust and go to Cuba. They were immigrants and unfortunately denied the opportunity to go to a new country and had to turn back around. They were desperate to escape.
  • Levittown

    housing for veterans and middle class whites in Levittown community showcasing conformity and a new evolved era as the modern suburbs. (William Levitt of Levitt & sons)
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    A policy of America isolating themselves from any interferes with foreign countries to protect themselves, grow, and ensure safety for their own advancement
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    Third Reich

    Established as Hitlers and the Nazi Party Regime in Germany, as they rose to power and had a lot of control.
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    concentration camps

    The Nazi party created various concentration camps to keep millions of Jews there as they suffered in these death camps.
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    The Holocaust

    The mass genocide of European Jews in Germany, led by the Nazi party and Hitler who discriminated against and killed innocent Jews with his power. Jews suffered in concentration camps with little food as they either starved or were put to death. Anti-semitism against Jews was one of the ways the Holocaust came to be. (approximately 6 million Jews died)
  • HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee)

    HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee)
    A government agency responsible for investigating organizations with communism or private workers and industries that could be suspicious.
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    American Homefront

    various acts in America to support the war in many ways. Many agencies were responsible to mange the home front and support military armed forces to be able to fight in the war.
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    United States policy to prevent communism from spreading. (soviet kept spreading communism and Unites States opposed to that)
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    Act of accusing citizens of being secret communist there was no proof or evidence you were just accused and had consequences. (during the era of the red scare with much paranoia)
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    Final Soloution

    Hitlers and the Nazi party idea to kill and discard all Jews and anyone else who they though were inferior to the Germany population. Leading to the Genocide of 6 million Jews.
  • Pearl harbor

    Pearl harbor
    The attack on pearl harbor was a surprise attack by Japan on U.S military bases in Hawaii. Japan wanted to destroy U.S Naval base as fast as possible but failed. The U.S got into the war the next day.
  • Executive order 9066

    Executive order 9066
    The order of Japanese Americans being relocated into camps. Due to paranoia from pearl harbor attack by Japanese people. Thousand of Japanese Americans were forced into internment form their homes.
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    Camps made for Japanese Americans to keep them away from society as United States was frightened from the pearl harbor attack by Japan so kept them away and secured and enclosed.
  • Korematsu v. United States

    Korematsu v. United States
    A united states supreme courts case about Japanese internment in America. Due to Fred Korematsu not going into Japanese internment "violating" the U.S exclusion orders. Korematsu did not win as the U.S said "this is not based on race it is based on military necessity"
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    War Refugee Board

    Established by FDR, was a created rescue team to save victims who were alive from the wrong doing by the axis powers.
  • D-Day

    The Allied forces invaded Normandy which was owned by Germany who annexed the land. The allies won against the German forces which was a huge victory during ww ll.
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    nuclear Warfare

    Military conflict is used with nuclear weapons against an enemy to inflict damage.
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    During the Holocaust in Europe Jews illegally escaped to Palestine and showed terrorism to Britain forces in Palestine.
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    Yalta Conference

    Was a wartime meeting with Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin and FDR, who agreed to demand Germany unconditional surrender to stop Germany and get ready for a post war world.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    Victory in Europe day, celebrating the allied power win in world war ll and the Nazi Party's surrender of their armed forces and Concentration camps.
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    Atomic bomb

    A deadly and explosive bomb dropped on Japan in Hiroshima, wiping out almost the whole city and killing and injuring many Japanese people. 80,000 died immediately and some died after due to radiation in the air. the U.S dropped this bomb.
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    United Nations

    An international organization responsible for, keeping peace throughout countries, making allies, and solving economic, military, or human problems.
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    Nuremberg trials

    Superiority people from the Allied Powers came together to hear cases/trials of Nazi criminals who at the end were sentenced to death.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    A policy for the United states to provide assistance weather military or economically to foreign countries under threat from axis powers.
  • Marshal Plan

    Marshal Plan
    A plan/program for the United States to fund economic aid to restore postwar Europe. (Economic Recovery Act of 1948.)
  • NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

    NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
    An international alliance to defend each other from other threats by communist countries. (forming the EUROPEAN UNION)
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    Society acts the same to show no outcast or differences that could be accused of communist ways.
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    Korean War

    a war between North and South Korea with many clashing at the border as North Korea crossed the border with its communist ways (and soviet union aid) America help aided south Korea.
  • NASA

    An agency of the USFG, space researching program. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
  • MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction)

    MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction)
    A military strategy to give purpose of nuclear weapons to create a stable country with no threats to try and ensure that neither country would want to attack because they would both suffer.
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    Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)

    The soviet implanted missile in Cuba which the United states felt was a threat, a direct confrontation almost leading to nuclear war.
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    Civil LIberties

    personal freedoms guaranteed by the constitution that the government cannot take away.