WW2 and The Cold War

  • WWII starts

    Germany invades poland; WWII officially begins
  • The Axis powers

    Germany, Japan, and Italy become the Axis powers.
  • Pearl Harbor

    It was bombed;
    (Major event)
  • Period: to

    Japanese internment

    After the Pearl Harbor bombing, U.S leaders had Japanese internment camps to "imprison" them and force them to do things such as labor.
  • United States joins WW2

    The U.S joins WW2 1 day after the bombing of pearl harbor
  • D-Day/Normandy Invasion

    Led by Eisenhower, his leadership and his army were able to push back Germany when invading France.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    The Allies beat Germany in the Battle of the Bulge, the German army gets weaker
  • Hitler's suicide

    Hitler commits suicide, he knows that it's over and the Allies had (basically) won WW2.
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders to the Allies on unconditional surrender (they had no power to make it conditional).
  • Atomic Bomb #1

    The first bomb dropped in WW2, on Hiroshima, devastating the city and its residents.
  • The other Atomic Bomb

    Another atom bomb was dropped, this time in Nagasaki.
  • Japan surrenders

    Japan surrenders. It's the end of WW2.
  • The Truman Doctrine

    Stated that the U.S would give help to the countries in need of support and any country threatened by communism.
  • NATO

    NATO treaty is signed
  • The S Bomb

    The Soviets test their own Atomic Bomb.
  • Period: to

    The Korean War

    Korean War, more known as the proxy war, lasted around 3 years. It started because North Korea had a communist dictator while South Korea didn't, stirring tensions.
  • Sputnik

    The Soviet Union successfully launches the Sputnik, leading to America's Nasa, leading to the Space race.