• The bombing of Pearl Harbor

    The bombing of Pearl Harbor
    Early on a sunday morning, Admiral Yamamoto sent out over 300 aircrafts towards the american naval base at pearl harbor. This attck caught the US forces sleeping as in less than 90 minutes, the airrafts had damaged 19 US warships and 300 aircrafts, and killed over 2,400 servicemen. This was the start of the war in the pacific.
  • The fall of the Philippines

    Just hours after the devastating bombing of Pearl Harbour, the US was again caught off guard when the Japanese attacked american airfields in the Philippines. Within a couple of days the american and FIlipino forces were forced to retreat to the Bataan Peninsula where they held out for another 3 months but eventually, they had to surrender. After their surrender, the POWs were forced to go on a grueling 65 mile hike to a japanese prison camp on which nearly 10,000 troops died.
  • Japanese disagreement helps the Americans

    After the bombing of Tokyo, the japanese were fuming. The bombing came close to killing the beloved emperor Hirohito. This is where the Japanese split, many wanted to cut off american supply lines in Australia while others believed that they should first attack Midway.
  • The Doolittle raid on Tokyo

    The Doolittle raid on Tokyo
    Searching for a way to raise american spirits, President Roosevelt started to plan an attack on Tokyo. The problem was, that the bombers had to get into range via an aircraft carrier which was not suitable for landing. After the plan was finished, the americans bombed Tokyo for the first of many times to come. After the bombing, the bombers headed to China to land where some were eventually captured by the japanese.
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    Battle of the Coral Sea

    After decoding a japanese message instructing an attack on New Guinea, the US sent two carriers to intercept the attack. When the two sides met, they launched all-out air strikes against each other. Even though the US navy took severe damage due to the battle, the americans attack kept the Japanese away from New Guinea and kept the supply lines open.
  • The battle of Midway

    After yet again intercepting a japanese code message to attack Midway, the Americans prepared to push back against the anticipated attack. When the japanese fleet scame into range, the japanese pilots were met with a swarm of anti-aircraft fire which destroyed nearly 40 japanese planes. After the successful defensive, the US unleashed a fierce offensive which sunk 4 japanese ships and caused a retreat by Yamamoto.
  • Tarawa Atoll

    Tarawa Atoll
    Now on the offensive, the american troops faced their first real offensive struggle at the crucial island of Tarawa Atoll. Unable to go further due to the reefs, a US landing craft was forced to drop off the soldiers several hundred yards from the beach causing them to have to wade to the shore while facing intense Japanese fire. Very few soldiers were able to make it on shore alive and finally captured the island.
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    The Mariana islands

    After finally concouring the marshall islands, the US fixed their sights on their next goal, the Mariana Islands. The US wanted the Mariana islands because they would put them in range for B-29 bombers to start bombing Japan. Within a few months, the US had captured Saipan, Guam, and Tinian. After that, bombs began to fall on Japan.
  • The americans regain the Philippines

    In their quest to regain lost territory, the US assembled a force of over 700 ships with more than 160,000 troops which quickly seized the island. After reaching the beach, General Douglas MacArthur stated ¨ People of the Phillipines, I have returned¨ But little did he know, there was an un welcomed suprise on it's way.
  • The battle of Leyte Gulf

    The battle of Leyte Gulf
    Shortly after the americans had regained the Phillipines, the Japanese sent 4 carriers towards the north, allowing another group to sneak in from the west. The group from the west caught the americans off guard and ambushed american ships. The battle is widely considered the largest naval battle ever. The americans were able to hold off the attack and therefore started their trip towards using the atomic bomb to end the war in the Pacific.