ww2 eventos

  • invasion (oh no!!!!1)

    invasion (oh no!!!!1)
    germany invades poland
  • fight back man!

    fight back man!
    britain and france declare war on germany
  • we lost one

    we lost one
    france surrenders to germany
  • fighting

    axis forces invade russia
  • big mistake japan

    big mistake japan
    japan bombs us at pearl harbor
  • americano!!!!!

    america declares war on japan
  • ok i think thats enough

    ok i think thats enough
    america declares war on bulgaria, hungary and romania
  • uh oh

    uh oh
    d-day happens (allies invade normandy)
  • boo germany!!!!

    boo germany!!!!
    battle of bulge happens
  • americano!!!!!! (2)

    americano!!!!!! (2)
    us marines invade iwo jima
  • les go

    les go
    germany surrenders to the allies
  • um

    america drops the first atomic bomb on hiroshima to force a quick surrender
  • stop

    america drops another bomb on nagasaki since the first one didnt do it (and also to send a message)
  • ok there

    ok there
    japan surrenders after the 2 bombs
  • the end!!!!!!!

    the end!!!!!!!
    ww2 ends after 6 years
  • pranked!!!

    theres nothing here