Germany Invades Poland
Germany launches a campaign agaisnt Poland, marking the start of WW2, just days later Britain and France declare war agaisnt Germany. -
Period: to
Canada Declares War on Germany
Canada declares war on Germany marking their involvment in WW2. -
British Troops Flee from Dunkirk
A mass evactuation of British troops from Dunkirk, which lasted over a week. This marked the end of the allies fight in mainalnd Europe and France surrenders shortly after. -
France Surrenders to Germany
France surrenders to germany meaning Germany now has control of most of Europe. This marks the end of the Allies fight for mainland Europe and this starts the Battle of Britain, as only Britain is left. -
Battle of Britain
A series of ariel battles over England and Germany, this lasted for a few months, and in the end Germany gave up and looked for another approach. -
Germany Invades Russia
Germany invades it's former ally Russia causing Russia to join the Allies and forcing a war on two fronts for Germany. -
Canadian Troops arrive in Honk Kong
Canadian troops arrive in the British colony of Honk Kong to help the defence agaisnt Japan. The Canadian soldiers who fought were the first Canadians to see war. -
Attack on Pearl Harbour
Japanese Kamizazes attack American Naval fleet at Pearl Harbour. This sparks the United States to join WW2 which helps turn the tide on Germany. -
United States join WW2
After the tradgedy of Pearl Harbour the United States join the war by declaring war on Japan and Germany 3 days later. When the United States joined it was a huge boost for the Allies and eventually helped turn the tables. -
Battle of Hong Kong
Japan attacks the British colony of Honk Kong undeclared causing outroar across the world. Honk Kong would eventually and this gave Japan the ground to countinue to push into China. -
Canada Starts Consripting
After a long debate with a vote of 3 to 1, Canada begins conscripting. This angers Quebec and French Canadians tremendously. Canada now has the power to provide a ton more troops for battles overseas and eventually D-Day. -
Dieppe Raid
The Allies launch a coastal assault against Gernmany at Dieppe, this ends awfuly with a huge number of causulities and an embarrasing loss. This happend for many reasons, but some include wrong location and improperly planned. -
Allies Invade Sicily
The the Invasion of Sicily was a massive offernsive launched agaisnt the Axis. This was the start of the italian campaign which led to the fall of Mussolini. -
Three Allie powers (Britain, United States, Canada) launch a massive assault against Ger,any on the French beaches of Normandy. This assault started the camapign agaisnt the Germans and eventually led to the surrender of Hitler. -
Germany Surrenders
Germany surrenders to the Allies marking the end of WW2 in Europe and the first Victory for the Allies. -
United States Drop Nuclear Bomb on Hiroshima
The United States drops Nuclear Bomb "Little Boy" on Hiroshima, causing mass death and completley destroying everything in a 5 mile radius. This was a message sent to Japan to tyr to get them to unconditionally surrender, and also to show it's power to Russia. -
Japan Annouces it will Surrender
After two nuclear bombs Japan officially announces it's surrender, which is signed later in september. This marks the end of WW2 and the deafeat of the Axis.