A paramilitary organization established under Nazi and Hitler control. This effected the Nazi Party because this organization helped the Nazi ideals to spread and influence. -
St. Louis Ship
900 Jews on a Ship were intended to land in Cuba but they were denied permission. No nation would take them in so they had to turn back to Germany. This effected the Jews, especially ones who considered becoming a refugee because they had no escape. -
Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany
During Hitler's rise to power, he was elected chancellor in 1933. It effected the people in the Nazi Party because they became stronger. -
Hitler Claimed Emergency Powers
Hitler needed full control to proceed his plan to take over Europe. It effected everyone because now that Hitler had full control, he could pursue his dream to take over Europe. -
The Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseases
Hitler started the "treatment" for people with disabilities to be sterilized. This effected disabled people because they were now being forced to be sterilized. -
Laws against Dangerous Habitual Criminals
The German government passes a law that allows anyone who is believed to be a danger to society, to be arrested. This effected mostly Jews because they were an oppressed minority. -
Nuremberg Laws
Racial Laws created by the Nazi's were passed. This effected the Jews because it was now legal to terrorize them. -
Nazi's occupy the Rhineland.
The Nazi's broke the treaty of Versailles and took control of the demilitarized land. No one said anything because they didn't want a second war. This effected all Europeans because now they had to fear the Germans gaining too much power. -
Reichszentrale is Created
It allowed for the persecution of homosexuals to be legal. This effected the homosexuals because they were a minority that became legal to oppress. -
Boycott of Jewish Business's
Prior to this event, Jewish oppression was non-violent. This day was the turning point for Jewish oppression when they burned synagogues, imprisoned 30,000 Jews, started boycotting Jewish business's and killed 100 Jews. It effected all Jews in Germany, whether it meant they now had fear or started defending themselves.
https://www.history.com/topics/holocaust/kristallnacht -
Many Jewish homes and synagogues were vandalized. It was the turning point for Jewish oppression. This greatly effected the Jews because they were now being threatened more than ever. -
Germany Invades Poland
Germany took over Poland. It effected all the Germans in Poland because they were now forced to be brought into Germany.
https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/germany-invades-poland -
Loda Ghetto Opens
The second largest ghetto in German controlled Europe, was established by Nazi Germans. This effected the Polish-Jews because 68,000 of them were sent there. -
Yellow Star For German Jews
The German Jews were forced to wear a yellow star so that people could identify them as a Jew. This effected everyone in Germany because the Jews were being discriminated, and the citizens were pressured to oppress Jews. -
Auschwitz opens
The largest concentration camp opens in southern Poland. Many Jews are going to be effected by this because many will be sent there.
https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/auschwitz -
Madagascar Plan
It was proposed that all Jews would be relocated to Madagascar. This effected the Jews because they now had more to fear. -
Babi Yar
Nazi officers were ordered to massacre all the Jews and Soviets that occupied Kiev. It effected many Jews and Soviets because they were now more threatened.
https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/babi-yar-massacre-begins -
SS units who travelled around and massacred thousands of minorities. This effected many Jews, Gypsies and minorities because they were being killed off. -
The Commisar order
It was an invasion towards the Soviets. This effected the Soviets because they couldn't trust Germany anymore since they broke a treaty. -
Creation of Ziguenerlager
A concentration camp that focused on Gypsies. This effected Gypsies because many were being sent here.
http://auschwitz.org/en/history/categories-of-prisoners/sinti-and-roma-gypsies-in-auschwitz/ -
Wannsee conferance
A conference with high-authority Nazi figures. This effected the Nazi Party because they were now being a better organized and powerful organization. -
Dr Josef Mengele arrives at Auschwitz
He was appointed SS captain and transferred to Auschwitz. This effected many Jewish twins because they were experimented a lot by Mengele. -
Himmler Orders Liquidation of Ghetto
Jews still living in Ghettos must be sent to concentration camps or sent East. This effected Jews living in Germany. -
Last Gassing at Auschwitz
Himmler ordered to stop the gassing towards the end of October in 1944. This was a big change for Jews because now they weren't being sentenced to death. -
Himmler orders destruction of Auschwitz
Himmler orders to destroy gas chambers and crematoria of Auschiwitz-Birkenau. This effected the Jews because it was a light of progression. -
Liberation of Auschwitz
Soviet soldiers freed 7,000 Jews from Auschwitz. This effected the Jews because it was the end of Jewish massacres. -
Hitler Commits Suicide
Hitler committed suicide towards the end of the war. This effected the Nazis because now the leader of the party was dead. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/adolf-hitler-commits-suicide-in-his-underground-bunker -
International Military Tribune
Authorities figures of the Nazi Party are being put to trial for crimes against humanity. This effected the Nazi Party because they were now being weakened. -
Capturing of Adolf Eichmann
Adolf Eichmann, an SS nazi security officer was captured in Argentina and sent to trial in Israel. This effected the authorities of the Nazi Party because there is now people in search of justice. -
Dr Josef Mengele Death
The infamous doctor's death was not verified until 1985. It was realized that he died of a stroke while swimming in Brazil. This effected the Nazi Party because there was now a dead leader.