
  • Balkan Wars

    Balkan Wars
    this was two conflicts that heralded the onset of the Ww1. in the first war they eliminated the ottoman empire.during that time the eastern allies fought for the ottoman spoils. the places involved were Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Montenegro. the war lasted from October 8, 1912 – July 18, 1913. A&E Television Networks
  • assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    near the Latin bridge, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife got assassinated by Gavrilo Princip while they were in Sarajevo. Before Gavrilo killed him a Serbian nationalist groud tried to throw a grenade at him . the assassination leads to Austria Hungary declaring war on Serbia. Also, Germany declared war on Russia. That all began the expansion of the war that involved the mutual defense alliance history.com (2009)
  • World War I begins

    World War I begins
    it was immediately started from the assassination of Archuduke and his wide Sophie. but before it all started there were numbers of defense alliances already existing between major European countries. there were more countries that was also responible for starting the war. this happened in July 28,1914 history.com(2009).
  • battle of gallipoli

    battle of gallipoli
    this battle was a very successful battle on the allied powers. Gallipoli wanted to control the sea route from Europe to Russia. when British and french attacked that's when the whole battle started. it happened around February and march of 1915. But this battle changed into a land invasion by galli[poli peninsula history.com (2009).
  • Lusitania sinks

    Lusitania sinks
    A german u boat took down the RMS Lusitania. They sinked the ship because of the united kingdom naval blockade Germany. who took down the ship? Germany. They took it down Friday, May 7,1915 history.com (2009).
  • battle of Verdun

    battle of Verdun
    This battle was a very bloody battle. germans had 350,000 casualties and french had 400,000 casualties. Erich von Falkenhayn thought the war would be lost or win in France. during the war, he felt that they had an attack strategy for Germany.this war started on February 21, 1916, and went till December 18, 1916 Michael rank (2009).
  • battle of somme

    battle of somme
    this batter was very bitter and the British forces only had 57,000 casualties. there were over 19,000 soldiers killed at the war. at the end of the battle. it went up to 3 million soldiers each side killed in the war. this went on from July 1, 1916, all the way to November 18, 1916, history.com (2009)
  • Zimmermann Note

    Zimmermann Note
    secret diplomatic communication issued from the german foreign office. it happen January 1917 it proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico. it was a big secret in the German office. it states that germany should help mexico gain back there territory lost in the 1840s. history.com(2009).
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    the people that were involved in the Russian Revolution was Tsar Nicholas ll. what caused it was the people of Russia revolted the government of Tsar Nicholas ll. This all started march 8 1917 it went all the way to November 7, 1917. the Russian revolution took place at the Russian empire. A lot of the peasants and the working-class people was very happy about it. history.com(2009).
  • U.S enters war

    U.S enters war
    U.S enters the war in April 6, 1917. they joined the allies to fight against the axis powers. they joined because the us broke diplomatic relations with Germany. After couple hours american liner Housatonic was taken down by a U boat. they was under the command of general john j history.com(2009).
  • Russia withdraws from war

    Russia withdraws from war
    The continuing war led the German government to agree to a suggestion that they should favor the opposition communist party called Bolsheviks. that was proponents of Russia's withdrawl from the war. This happened november, 1,1917. history.com (2009).
  • Chateau-Thierry

    this was one of the first actions of the American expeditionary. this battle was initiated by germans. the germans were trying to take advantage of the American fighting force. when Americans fought they only went with such little knowledge. But the U.S took many casualties and it made the battle end sooner. history.com (2009).
  • Period: to

    Argonne battle

    this was the major part of the allied offensive.it happened along the entire western front. They fought until the armistice witch was from September 26, 1918, through November 11, 1918. this war was a very dangerous war. history.com (2009).
  • Armistice

    at the end of the war it ended with an armistice, the armistice is supposed to be a way to stop fighting. armistice is to stop fighting it's not surrendering. both allies and central powers that be going at it decided to end it all.they had to go through the president Woodrow wilson first then they got a late reply from Germany after that it all ended. micheal rank (2019).
  • Treaty of Versailles signed

    Treaty of Versailles signed
    The treaty of Versailles was signed to end the Ww1. it ended the state of war between Germany and the allied powers. the place it was signed was at France about 10 minutes out of Paris. This Happened June 28 1919, and went into effect January 10 1920. histroy.com (2009)
  • First meeting of the League of Nations

    First meeting of the League of Nations
    league of nations was a 14 point speech from U.S president Woodrow Wilson. founded after the Paris peace conference, the main goal was to settle disputes between countries. The league of nations did not succeed. why? world war 2 broke out right after. history.com(2009)