Crimean War influences Militarism
The Crimean was was thought to be a strong aggressor for milirarism in countries like Britain, France, Germany, and Russia. Because of this, countries began the compilation of weapons and war transportation. During this period, technology also improved for waeponry. -
Period: to
Militarism by country
Between 1870 and 1914, countris like France, Germany, and Britain had begun the buildup of strong militaries. Although America had less interest in war, they too contributed to the spending for war supplies and artileries. Great Britian topped the list spending between 200-300 million dollars in preperation for war. -
German Nationalism
1871 was the year of nationalism for Germany. Their prior views of socialist and liberal ideas had vanished, bringing an era of anti-catholic conservatives. Named the Bismarck Era, these German people pursued a country of strong willpower and resilliance, as well as admiration for ones country and it's successes. This led to Germany's obsession with world power, and therefore, to it's strong involvement in World War 1 -
Triple Alliance
This allaince brought together Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. Although this group seemed like a strong opponent before World War 1 started, Italy officially entered the War in 1915 as an enemy to both Germany and Austria-Hungary. -
Second Morrocan Crisis
When France sends troops to aide in a rebel outbreak in Fez, Morocco, Germany feels threatened and sends a warship to occupy the morrocan coast. After most countries sided with France in this small outbreak, Germany withdrew it's ship and backed out. -
Franz Ferdinand and Sophia
A young Serbian nationalist shot and killed both Archiduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophia while they were returning from a visit to City Hall. This event is what triggered strong hostility between Austria-Hungary and Serbia, leading to the start of World War 1. -
Blank Check from Germany
This marked the day that Germany pledged alliance to Austria-
Hungary after the murder of Archiduke Franz Feridnand. Germany knew the threat from possible war with Russia, but continued their alliance with Austria-Hungary. -
Germany Invades Belgium
In an attempt to invade France, German armies burned through Belgium, causing incredible destruction to the country and it's people. The envasion is what prompted Britain to declare war on Germany, and was a big part in what influenced the start of World War 1. -
The Lustiania is attacked
Although there was prior warning from Germany about British waters being war-zones. The sinking of the Lustiania was tragic in terms of lives lost, 130 being American. The German torpedos that brought the passenger ship down raised a red flag for America, but did not bring them into the War. -
Effects of the War
Out of all the countries involved, America had the fewest losses both financially and humanely. Their participation in the war prompted new technology and mass production of things like cars. This put America in the place of a world power, encouraging countries around the world rto adopt a "republic" government and leaving their prior monarchial ways. Psychologically, the once extremely nationalistic Germany was hurt when they did not prove strong enough to be a world power. -
Zimmerman Telegram
The cruptic message from the German government to the Mexican government was intercepted by America, revealing a secret plan to recieve aide from Mexico if Germany and America were to go to war. This message resulted in extreme distrust from America, and is a main reason for their involvement in World War 1. -
Unrestricted warfare is proposed once more
While unrestricted warfare was suppressed by Germany due to threats from America for most of World War 1, it was brought before the German government and put back into the game February 1st. Germany felt that with unrestricted use of U-boats could lead to Germany winning the World War. -
United States enters the war
Although president Woodrow Wilsom vowed with neutrality in the war, threats from Germany caused American troops, led by John Pershing to land in Paris during the summer of 1917. The U.S, by doing this, had now indirectly pledged their involvement in furture wars and would soon encourage Russia to later shut down their own way of government in the Russian Revolution. America's involvement also opened up a new world for women, including them into the working class. -
Treaty of Versailles
Although the Treaty of Versailles ended the literal state of war between the Western and Eastern powers, it did not end the aftermath of the War. The Versailles Treaty also prompted the formation of the Fourteen Points by Woodrow Wilson, justifying America's participation in the war as well as excaliming "peace without victory". The War Guilt Clause forced Germany to claim full responsibility for the war. -
Plans for Germany
With Germany losing the war came immense economic problems for the country. Hyperinflation plagued the economy and the Dawes Plan was formulated to help stabalize the German economy. The Young plan of 1929 was a revised effort of the Dawes plan. The Young Plan relieved Germany of some financial duties involving war debts. This led to the "Liberty Law" which would include Adolf Hitler, Hitler became a popular name in politics. -
Crash of America's Economy
During the war, American lives and technology prospered with new technology and ammeneties. After the war ended however, farmers were silently suffering financially when America began recieving foreign imports for a cheaper price. When the stock market crashed on black tuesday, banks were losing money and America was losing it's ability to pay war debts they had accumulated during World War 1. This resulted in a loss of jobs and what was a strong American financial base. -
Hitler is Chancellor
Hitler seemed attractive to the people in financially corrupt Germany because of his power and ability to draw in crowds with promise of reform. Germany was in a period of bad luck after losing the war, and the Nazi Party was emerging as political group despite the mainly conservative population. Hitler was seen as a hero for many, and was soon put as Chancellor of Germany in 1933. This would be the reign of the Nazi Party.