Archduke Down
This was what started it all. When Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated by German forces. This occured at Sarajevo, In their open car. -
The Big Balloon
Zeplins were used in ww1. They were used as survailence during the war. They were also used as bombers. This is the date of the first air raid. -
Qoute From Theodore Roosevelt
"In the camps I saw barrels mounted with sticks on which zealous captains were endeavoring to teach their men how to ride a horse."-Theodore Roosevelt -
Eagerness For War
When president Wilson declared war on Germany, many men rushed to the opportunity to serve their country. This picture shows a line of men at an Army camp awaiting training. The camp is in New York. -
On this date the USA decided to jion WW1. Despite trying to stay nuetral, after several ships carrying Americans were sunk, America was outraged. Germany was also trying to cut off our trade to one of our biggest trade partners, Great Britain. -
Departure From NYC
Roy Crowdy Avery marches along with the rest of his unit abord the US ship Olympic. -
First Combat
Crowdy's ship is attacked by two German U-boats, both of which are destroyed. One of the ships destroyed released a pool of oil into the ocean. -
Roy Avery was ordered to come to Washington D.C. to serve at an Army Medical School. He had left his unit behind in Vichy. he helped train field medics to be prepared in the warzone. -
Returned To Combat
After a long time on US soil Avery is ordered back to Vichy, Where the rest of his unit is stationed. He rode in a transport plane back with the Air Force. -
The Red Baron Is Down
Manfred Von Richthoften was Germany's ace pilot. He destroyed more than 80 Allied aircraft. -
Major Attack
Avery was stationed in Baccarat when a huge German attack came in. HE was working the hospital and coulnt get any sleep. Their were patients with burns, limbs missing, cuts, and all sorts of other injuries. -
French Soldiers
May lives were lost in WWI. This picture, taken in June, 1918 , shows several dead French soldiers. The image also contains soldiers who were wounded sevearally. -
German Prisoners
German prisoners were freed in massive groups after the war. This group was freed immediatley after a succesfull alied advance in 1918. The Germans had camps like this all over Germany. -
The End
On this date the Allies forced Germany to signing the treaty. The armistice treeaty ended ww1 and Germany had lost. The anniversary of the signing is now known as veterans day. -
Soldiers who's faces were damaged in battle might have had a mask surgically attached. This was done by Red Cross volunteers. This pictures surgery wa sperformed by Anna Coleman Ladd.