Assassination of Archduke- http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/archduke-franz-ferdinand-assassinated
A teenage Serbian shot and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife as their vehicle was going down the streets of Sarajevo. Then the death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand is what started WWI. June 28 was the anniversary of the first Battle of Kosovo. This date was a very important date for the Serbian Nationalists and it was a day to show everybody Austrians imperial strength in Bosnia. June 28th was also the date that Franz Ferdinand got married. -
Germany Invades Belgium and starts WWI- http://spartacus-educational.com/FWWbelgiumIN.htm
Germany invades Belgium and then that is what starts WWI. The British Government wrote to the Belgium government and asked for free passage across Belgium for all of their troops so that they could invade France and reach Paris. But Belgium denied their free passage through their country. Then on that same day that Belgium denied the free passage Germany ended up going into war with France and then Germany invaded Belgium. -
Germans fire- http://www.firstworldwar.com/features/chemical_warfare.htm
The Germans used chlorine filled shells on the Western front and they used about 150 tons of chlorine filled shells. This was the first time that chemical warfare was used and what happened from the Germans using Chemical warfare was they almost killed off all of the French lines. Then later on the German forces started to shoot different chemicals like xylyl bromidea at the troops on the eastern front. As a result of using xylyl bromidea the Russians reported more than 1,000 deaths. -
The Sinking of The Lusitania- http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/snpwwi2.htm
The Lusitania was sunk because Germany had announced in February that any ship that goes through or by the great Britain waters was gonna get shot down by submarines. The ship carried 1,198 people and 128 of them were Americans. A merchant ship sunk off the south coast of Ireland and then the British warned the crew on the Lusitania that if they go in that territory their ship is gonna get sunk by torpedoes. But the Captain of the Lusitania ignored the request and then got shot down by Germans. -
Germany Limits Submarine Warfare-http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-i/lusitania
In September, Kaiser Wilhelm suspends submarine warfare. Kaiser Wilhelm decided to suspend submarine warfare because he was trying to keep the United States out of war, but the result of this was Germany tried even harder to keep the American supplies from coming into France and Great Britain. Great Britain crossed Germany´s war zone and the German Army sunk the Lusitania and that is the mainly the whole reason that Germany ordered unrestricted submarine warfare around Great Britain. -
British Deployed The First Tank- http://www.tanks.net/tank-history/world-war-one-german-tanks-first-tank-battle.html
The British deployed the first tank into war at Delville Woods. When the tank was first released everyone had this idea that the tank was gonna be the greatest design of their time,but the people saw that the only thing that the tank was really good for was running over barbed wire and clearing out big paths for troops to cross through. The first tank was nicknames Little Willie and it weighed 14 tons. Then tank could crawl over terrain but it could only crawl over terrain going 2 miles per hour -
Germany Continues Submarine Warfare- http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/germany-ceases-unrestricted-submarine-warfare
A German politician by the name of Bethman Hollweg went in front of the German Government and said that unrestricted submarine warfare would continue on February 1st. When Germany continues submarine warfare again that ends up leading to the United States coming back into the war and Germany being defeated by the United States. Then he continues to say that even though their enemies have a very good design that they can not run away from that so they decided that they were gonna stay and fight. -
The Zimmerman Telegram- https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/zimmermann
The British intelligence gives Wilson the Zimmerman Telegram. It was a message from Germany secretary Arthur Zimmerman that said that Mexico side with Germany in case of war between Germany and the United States. Another part of the message was that if the United States gives up some of their territory to mexico so that the United States could be allies with Germany. Just because they did not want their secret message getting out they went and waited until February 24th to present the telegram. -
The Selective Service Act- http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/u-s-congress-passes-selective-service-act
This day Congress passed the Selective Service Act which allows for Drafting people into the war. President Wilson passed this law knowing that the Draft will ruin families and cause a lot of problems between families and a lot of other things. The way that they could get this act passed was if they got everyone from the age 21-30 to sign up for military service. Since the Selective Service Act was passed, 3 million people were called to go into war. -
Germany and Russia Come To Peace- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Brest-Litovsk
On this day Germany signs a Peace Treaty with the new government of Russia. The deal that came with the Peace Treaty was that Germans gained a lot of land that used to be the Ukraine and Poland. Also since there was Peace on the eastern front of Germany that allowed Germany to shift all of their troops to the western front of Germany. The shift from the eastern to the western front caused a lot of problems between a lot of countries including British, Americans, and the French. -
Treaty of Versailles- http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-i/treaty-of-versailles
Germany had surrendered on November 11, 1918 and then all of the other countries had agreed that they were gonna stop fighting while they were negotiating the terms of peace. It took hundreds of people to negotiate and the final ceremony was held in the hall of mirrors. The Treaty of Versailles was a very good thing. Everyone wanted to the war to end because so many people were either killed or injured. There was 8.5 million people that were killed and 21 million that were wounded. -
Stork In Warfare- http://memory.loc.gov/diglib/vhp/story/loc.natlib.afc2001001.20694/pageturner?ID=pm0250001
Edwin watched a plane go into a straight nose dive into the water because there was no sure that land the plane could land on. They describe the pilot as a not very smart person and they say that he probably has a very low IQ. The stork justifies themselves by soaring above the American soldiers. The Arabs love the storks and they protect them. The Arabs feel very pleased to have the storks in their presence. -
Jeep Goes To War- http://memory.loc.gov/diglib/vhp/story/loc.natlib.afc2001001.20694/pageturner?ID=pm0304001
The future word that will be in the dictionary will be ¨Jeep¨.The description of the jeep that Edwin gives is that, ¨it is a small but powerful military car, square in shape, armored in appearance, and extremely rough and cold¨. They have put jeeps through a lot of stress and everybody is very proud of what the jeep can do. The jeep has gone through. The jeep can make sharp turns and get away from enemies really fast. -
Wagner- http://memory.loc.gov/diglib/vhp/story/loc.natlib.afc2001001.20694/pageturner?ID=pm0311001
The Wagner is a place in Antwerp. The Antwerp was a very nice hotel a long time ago, but since the place had got blasted with a ton of bombs it is not so nice anymore. The Wagner is the only place that has a workable heating unit, so if you're wanting to come home after a long day and sit inside a hot place then you're gonna have to go to Wagner. But if you try and hang anything like picture frames or mirrors they will fall off soon because of all of the bombs that hit Antwerp. -
Morning In Flanders- http://memory.loc.gov/diglib/vhp/story/loc.natlib.afc2001001.20694/pageturner?ID=pm0315001
All though the night there was bombs going off every where around them. But only one of the bombs had awakened Edwin. I'm the morning Edwin wakes up and looks out side and could see all of the damage from the bombs and it was a very cloudy day, but the weather looked nice outside. Edwin goes downstairs to eat breakfast and he says, "The tomato juice is excellent, the resurrected eggs are terrible, but the coffee and toast were passing morit". -
Letter to son from the Senecall hotel in Columbus, Ohio-http://www.forgottenoh.com/Seneca/seneca.html-http://memory.loc.gov/diglib/vhp/story/loc.natlib.afc2001001.20694/pageturner?ID=pm0367001
It´s the beginning of the new year and Edwin wishes his son a Happy New Year and says that he hopes everything is going good. Edwin tells his son how he would not want to live here. He says,¨It is an awful dump¨. Edwin is required to wash his hands each 30 minutes. Edwin talks about how cheap everything is at that time period.Edwin tells his son that the hotel down here is only $3.00 to stay there. Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia are the ones with the larger amounts of hospitals.