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WW1 Veteran Timeline

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated
    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand is believed to be the immediate cause of WW1. Serbia was blamed by Austria for this murder. Austria decided that Serbia needed to be punished. Thus leading to WW1.
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    World War 1

    WW1 was a massive military conflict (war). This was located in Europe between 1914-1918. The U.S. fought on the Allied side against Germany and the Austria-Hungary Empires.
  • Allied troops landed in gallipoli

    Allied troops landed in gallipoli
    The campaign began with a failed naval attack. This was an unsuccessful attempt by the Allied Powers to control the sea route from Europe to Russia. Allied forces had suffered from major casualties and had made little progress from their initial landing sites, so evacuation began. The British government authorized the evacuation to begin on December 7.
  • The Lusitania is sunk

    The Lusitania is sunk
    A German U-Boat torpedoed the British ship. This killed 1,128 people, including 128 Americans. This attack immediately ruined the relations between Germany and the United States. Thus leading to more events, and eventually getting the Americans involved in the war.
  • The Germans captured warsaw from the Russians

    The Germans captured warsaw from the Russians
    Germany portrayed a siege that killed tens of thousands of polish civilians. They wrecked tons of historical monuments. The civilians were deprived of electricity, food, and water and most of their homes were destroyed. This lead them to surrender on September 27.
  • The Zimmerman telegram was decoded

    The Zimmerman telegram was decoded
    In January 1917, the British intercepted a message from German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann to the German minister to Mexico, Heinrich von Eckhart. The British gave President Wilson the Zimmerman telegram on February 24. America was angry by the news of the Zimmerman telegram and with Germany’s resumption of submarine attacks, lead to the U.S. joining the war.
  • The USA declares war on Germany

    The USA declares war on Germany
    President WIlson went before the U.S. Congress to request a declaration of war against Germany. Germany violated t's pledge to suspend unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Therefore wilson had plenty of valid reasons for declaring war on Germany.
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    LeRoy Feay Thompson Enlisted

    LeRoy Feay Thompson enlisted in WW1.
  • LeRoy's first Armour comfort box

    LeRoy's first Armour comfort box
    During WW1, in the trenches, luxuries were almost non-existent. A group called ACF, which was mainly made up of women put together care packages, manly for men on the front line. These boxes would consist of letters, food, drinks, tobacco, and socks. ACF would raise money for the soldier fighting.
  • LeRoy started trench radio

    LeRoy started trench radio
    Leroy started learning about trench radio and how to use it. It was used to signal troops in the field or to spy on other conversations. LeRoy soon became 1st section. This meant that he was the most advanced in the school.
  • LeRoy's first time with a trench set up "listening in"

    LeRoy's first time with a trench set up "listening in"
    It was LeRoy's first time with trench setup "listening in". WW1 wartime radio was used to communicate with soldiers on the front line. Wartime radio was also used to listen in on conversations. Men would be n the trenches using the radio.
  • LeRoy took the rado tractor to Kansas City

    LeRoy took the rado tractor to Kansas City
    The Radio tractor was a mobile Signal Corps Radio used by the U.S. Army for ground communications in WW1.This was used to transmit signals and talk to the soldiers. LeRoy determined this a successful trip.
  • Second battle of the Marne started.

    Second battle of the Marne started.
    The last major German offensive. The attack failed when and Allied counterattack overwhelmed the Germans, inflicting several tragedies. The German defeat marked the start of the relentless Allied advance. This was the start of the collapse of the German Army.
  • LeRoy became the first soldier to be billeted

    LeRoy became the first soldier to be billeted
    LeRoy became the first soldier to be billeted, without YMCA. When a soldier is billeted it means that they are assigned a place to stay. They usually would be sent to a non-military facility or a civilians house. He seemed to like this new arrangement.
  • Germany signed an armistice with the Allies

    Germany signed an armistice with the Allies
    Germany signed an armistice which is an agreement for peace. This lead the fighting to stop. When the U.S. joined the war against Germany, Germany the realised that it was no longer possible to win. The leaders of the German Army told the government to stop, and eventually Kaiser stepped down.
  • Peace Conference met in Paris

    Peace Conference met in Paris
    The Paris Peace Conference joined in January 1919 at Versailles just outside Paris. The conference was held to establish the terms of peace after World War I. Thirty Nations participated in the Peace conference. The main objective of the Peace Conference was to decide how to organize the League of Nations.
  • The Treaty of Versailles was signed by the Germans

    The Treaty of Versailles was signed by the Germans
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed at the end of WW1. Foreign minister Hermann Müller and colonial minister Johannes Bell went to Versailles to sign the treaty for Germany. Germany had to pay 6,600 million for damage caused. Germany also lost land.