WW1 Veteran timeline

  • Period: to


    Leo Joseph Bailey is an Army veteran who served in World War 1 during 1914-1919.
  • Bailey's battle

    Bailey's battle
    While in battle at Belleau Wood, Leo Joseph Bailey would suffer an injury.
  • The 9th Infantry

    The 9th Infantry
    This is Part of the wall of “La Mothe” in France where the 9th Infantry trained which Bailey served in.
  • Village

    A village where the 9th infantry was stationed.
  • Recovery

    He would spend two months recovering from the injury. And according to his memoir, he recalls sleeping in a bed for the first time and waking up to a hearty breakfast; “the ideal life of a soldier's dream.”
  • Respite

    Bailey is seen standing next to Germaine Jeonnoit in France.