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WW1 US history project

By Ya,boi
  • The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Bosnian nationalist Serb Gavrilo Princip who held a widespread belief by Bosnians is that Bosnia shouldn’t be apart of Austria Hungary. The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand caused enough Instability throughout Europe that it sparked WW1.
  • The first battle of the Marne

    The first battle of the Marne
    At the start of the war, Germany wanted to avoid fighting on two fronts for a better chance of beating Russia. So Germany attacked France in the Battle of the Marne, and after 5 days of brutal combat the Germans retreated. This loss had implications such as the Russians mobilizing more quickly than the Germans thought they would and just two weeks after the Battle of the Marne the Russians launched the Battle of Tannenberg.
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    The trench, while not a new invention, in WW1 saw mass use of them. The trenches were also used in WW2 and the Korean war. The trenches were used to help hold lines. The trenches' main purpose was to shield soldiers from gunfire and artillery bombardment. They also gave soldiers more time to get on their gas masks saving many gas attacks.
  • The Harlem Hell fighters

    The Harlem Hell fighters
    The Harlem Hellfighters were an Africa -America infantry unit in WW1 that saw more combat than any other army unit. Despite their sacrifice, the returned home to racism, and segregation from their fellow citizens.
  • The gas attacks of WW1

    The gas attacks of WW1
    The gas attacks of WW1 were the first time Chlorine gas, Phosgene, Mustard gas was used in war. The use of chemical weapons is now banned for the unnecessary suffering it can cause, and the indiscriminate nature of the gas. Chemical weapons were banned in the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) held in 1925 post WW1.
  • The battle of Verdun

    The battle of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun started on the 21st of February with the Germans attacking the French town of Verdun. Through the spring and early summer France lost ground but with the British and Russian starting their own offense elsewhere made the Germans reallocate resources from Verdun allowing the French throughout autumn to retake most of the lost ground securing Verdun. On December 18th the Germans retreated. At the end of it, all the Germans had 430,000, and the French had 550,000 casualties.
  • The Brusilov Offensive

    The Brusilov Offensive
    The Brusilov Offensive began on June 4, 1916, with Russia using Artillery strikes to shock German troops and then send in an attack that was very effective. These attacks put a strain on Austria-Hungary and forced Germany to reallocate troops which allowed the French to take back ground in Verdun, and on several other fronts.
  • The battle of Somme

    The battle of Somme
    The Battle of the Somme began on July 1st as a joint operation between France and Britain to attack Germany on the Western front. On the first day alone there were 57,000
    casualties with 19,240 were killed making it the bloodiest in British military history. This is mainly because the Germans defense’s despite a week-long bombardment. This caused the British and French being unable to break through the German lines like they planned to make the Battle of Somme a battle of attrition.
  • Edgar D. Andrews

    Edgar D. Andrews
    In 1917 Edgar D. Andrews enlisted in the US army to serve in WW1. Edgar D. Andrews was stationed at Company A, 102nd Machine Gun Battalion, 26th Division.
  • Letter to mother from Edgar D. Andrews

    Letter to mother from Edgar D. Andrews
    After participating, and the battle was still going on he reassures his mother. He assures her he is well and going to be fine.
  • The 1917 Russian Revolution

    The 1917 Russian Revolution
    In 1914 the Russians entered the war in support of the french and the Serbs. WW1 with Russia being so behind Germany in industrialization the Russians incurred the most losses in WW1. WW1 destroyed Russia’s already struggling economy. Then in late 1917 after the Bolshevik revolution began, and ended with Lenin’s red army claiming victory.
  • Edgar D. Andrews campaigns

    Edgar D. Andrews campaigns
    Edgar D. Andrews fought in the battle of Chateau Thierry as one of the first battles America fought after joining the war. Edgar D. Andrews served as a runner, machine gunner in the battle.
  • Edgar D. Andrew sends a letter to his sister

    Edgar D. Andrew sends a letter to his sister
    Edgar Gives his sister a reassurance that he is okay. He also tells her that he thinks the war is almost over.
  • The Battle of Megiddo

    The Battle of Megiddo
    Beginning on September 19, 1918, the Battle of Megiddo was the beginning of the final British offensive that led to the collapse and withdrawn of the Ottoman Turkish army, and the eventual victory of the allies. On the first day alone they took 30 KMs With this highly effective tactic thousands surrendered. The battle of Megiddo ended on September 25th, 1918
  • Letter to Mother from Edgar D. Andrews [11/19/1918]

    Letter to Mother from Edgar D. Andrews [11/19/1918]
    He writes to let her know that the battle of Chateau Thierry is over and he is fine. He asks what is happening back home.