Unit-3 WW1 timeline project

  • Period: to

    Unit-3 WW1 timeline project

  • Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    On being informed that there was terrorist activity, ferdinand did think much of it. When arriving on the morning of june 28th, passing the central police station, a gernade was thrown by a Black-hand agent. Luckily it did not hit him, but hit the car that was behind them. Since it wasn't safe, ferdinands driver tool him and his wife back to their palace, turning on the wrong street where a 19 year old Gavrilo princip fired a gun. Striking Sophie and Archeduke. This was the beginning of WW1.
  • Autria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Autria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
    One month to the day of the assasination of achduke and his wife, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. This marks the beginning of WW1. Austria-Hungary determined that the proper response was to invade the serbia millitary. Declaring the mark of the first war on july 28th, 1914.
  • The Total War

    The Total War
    This was a term to describe the devastation of of the war. Involving governemnts, economies and populations neving seeing this before. Governments played an interventionist role, passing laws that would be intolerable during peacetime. Wartime governments acted to protect national security by publishing violations. The total war helped them understand how the roles of soldiers and civilians became difficult to seperate.
  • Germany invades luxembourg and Belgium

    Germany invades luxembourg and Belgium
    Before the germans declared war, they needed free passage across belgium. This would put them in a better attack on france. The problem with this request was that belgium was a neutral country. Belgium was mostly affected, with germany occupying the country, it became a threat to several countries. This then led to Britain joining.
  • The Sinking of the lusitania

    The Sinking of the lusitania
    The sinking of the Lusitania caused international outrage and helped turn public opinion against germany. Particularly in the then-neautral united states. This would then strain the relations between these two. This disaster feuled anti-german sentiment and set off a chain of events that eventually led the U.S entering WW1
  • The Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun
    A massive artillery bombardment with a steady advance by troops of the german fifth army. This was the long-lasting, bloodiest battle of the first world war. This battle threatened the main german communication lines. As representing a salient in the french defenses. Captureing Fort Douaumont.
  • The Battle at Somme

    The Battle at Somme
    The battle of Somme was planned as a joint operation between British and french forces to break the deadlock on the western front. This impacted a more proffesional and effective army emerge from the battle, leading to tactics developing. Including items such as tanks, etc. This was their first experience of a major action in the largest attack from the British Army.
  • United states declares war on Germany

    United states declares war on Germany
    The entry of the United states was the turning point of the war. This was due to it made the eventaul defeat of Germany possible. The war helped turn the tide in favor of Britain and France, leading to an allied victory over Germany and Austria in 1918.
  • The Zimmermann Telegram

    The Zimmermann Telegram
    This was a not that revealed a plan to renew unrestricted submarine warfare and to form an alliance with Mexico and Japan if the United States declared war on Germany. This message was later intercepted by the british and passed to the united states. This then changed the course of the war, which ended with an armistice.
  • The Bolsheviks Revolution

    The Bolsheviks Revolution
    It was a revolution that seized power and destroyed the tradition of the czarist rule. The Bolsheviks would later become the Communist party of the Soviet union. This revolution paved the way for the rise of comminism as an influential political belief system around the world at that time. It set rise of the soviet union that would go head to head with the United states during the cold war.
  • The Russian Revolution

    The Russian Revolution
    The leader of the bolshevik party launched a nearly bloodless coup d’état against the Duma’s provisional government. The violent revolution marked the end of the Romanov dynasty and centuries of Russian Imperial rule. This played a role that eventually took russia out of ww1. Without russia to occupy german troops, germany was free to send most of the troops to the western front in a final effort to win the war.
  • The Women during the War

    The Women during the War
    The industrail had demands of modern war, which meant women moved back into the labor force. Women would then contribute to the war effort on the home front. This then caused the number of women work force to increase . Their emplyment opprotunities expanded beyond regular traditional womens professions.
  • The Armistice

    The Armistice
    The Armistice was signed that ended the fighting of WW1 between the entente and their last remaining opponent which was germany. This invited the germany to discuss the provisions of the peace treaty.
  • The War Guilt Cause

    The War Guilt Cause
    This was a force for germany and other central powers to take blame for the WW1. Germany accepted responsability for starting the war. This meant a loss of territories, reduction in military forces, and reparation payments to Allied powers. Germany agreed to pay for alll the damage that was caused by the war. The Sum was 6,600 million (German Money)
  • Treaty of Versallies

    Treaty of Versallies
    Was a signing by the German Allied nations formally ending WW1. The terms of the treaty required Germany to pay for financial reparations, disarm, lose territory, and give up all of its overseas colonies. This treaty outlined the conditions of peace between Germany and the victorious Allies, led by the United States, France, and the United Kingdom.