WW1 Timeline

  • Franz Ferdinand is assassinated

    Franz Ferdinand is assassinated
    Crown prince Franz Ferdinand is assassinated. He was the king to be of Austria - Hungary.
  • Germany Sinks The U.S. Luisatania

    Germany Sinks The U.S. Luisatania
    Germany began to use U-Boats to attack ships thinking they had cargo and supplies on them. This ended up killing lots of Americans and was what eventually forced the U.S. to join the war.
  • Forced To Leave

    Forced To Leave
    The soliders were awoken from their sleep by the sound of Bugles. They were dressed in "heavy marching gear" and were told to leave nothing behind and put everything the way it was supposed to be. They then marched and were put on a boat. According to the Roy Crowdy Avery Collection.
  • On The Ship

    On The Ship
    The ship was crowded, and there were hammocks hanging from every ceiling. "There was hardly any room to get into your own hammock" according to Avery. Many men had never been to sea before so there were trashcans in each corner for their convenience. The air was also hot and steamy. Each day got colder and colder as they headed north
  • The U.S Enters The War

    The U.S Enters The War
    The U.S. entered the war after the Germans had sunk several merchant and passenger ships killing many americans.
  • The War Begun

    The War Begun
    "We were stationed at a hospital with enemy lines 3 kilometers on either side." He called it a no mans land because it was a flat area with nothing around.
  • US declares war on Germany

    US declares war on Germany
    He enlisted voluntarily for the draft after finding out that the US had declared war on Germany. "I went to the Bellevue Hospital and joined up with the unit"
  • The Bolshevik Revolution

    The Bolshevik Revolution
    The Bolshevik revolution was caused because of how many troops were lost on the lines in Russia. This caused Russia to force its current Tsar out and get a new one.
  • The Signing Of The Armstice

    The Signing Of The Armstice
    The signing of the armistice. The Allies were suffering after taking four major German attacks. They regrouped and launched a large counter-attack with tanks which proved to be successful forcing a German retreat on all sides. The German leader later signed the Armistice after meeting with the French leader
  • The Return Home

    The Return Home
    The war was over and they were all heading home. "We were one of the last medical units to leave." The reason they were the last to leave is because they went to Coblenz Germany and were "right on the heels of germans."