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WW1 Timeline

  • Archduke was assassinated

    Archduke was assassinated
    Archduke Franz Ferdinands assassination was one of the main events that lead to world war 1.Archduke was imperial to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian empire. He was shot with in short distance while driving in Sarajevo.
  • Period: to

    WW1 Timespan

    This timeline will show how the world war began and ended and every important factor in the middle.
  • Austria-Hungray declares war

    Austria-Hungray declares war
    Austria-Hungray declares war on Serbia. this is what started the war. Austria declares war because of the assassination of Archduke.
  • Germany Invades

    Germany Invades
    Germany invades Luxembourg and Belgium. British forces come to France. Nations were against Germany.
  • Italy Declares war

    Italy Declares war
    Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary. Italy wants to dominate all Italian speaking areas of Austria-hungray.
  • The Stars and Stripes

    The Stars and Stripes
    The stars and stripes was published with over 1000 copies. This books tells the story of how our flag came to be, to this day this is one of the most sold books in America.
  • American first army attacks

    American first army attacks
    American first army attacks St. Mihiel salient, They did this in hopes that Americans would pass through the German lines and capture the city of Metz.
  • Entering Germany

    Entering Germany
    British and American forces enter Germany, they did this because the American public was not pleased with the recent news of submarine attacks
  • Peace Conference

    Peace Conference
    A peace conference begins in Paris, the purpose of this meeting was to establish peace after the world war and what they could and could not agree on.
  • Treaty of Versailles Takes effect

    Treaty of Versailles Takes effect
    The treaty of versailles takes effect, the treaty was the established terms of peace at the end of the world war, the terms were that Germany pays financial reparations, disarm, and give up all overseas colonies. these things began to happen.
  • The war ends

    The war ends
    The United States began signing separate peace treaties with Germany, Austria, and Hungary. This was the end of WW1.