WW1 timeline

  • Assassination of the Arch duke

    Assassination of the Arch duke
    The arch duke was visiting Bosnia With his wife were shot and killed
  • The start

    The start
    A month after the Arch dukes assassination Austria Hungary declared war on Siberia creating a dominion effect of countries declaring war on each other .
  • Period: to


    Germany invades Luxembourg and Belgium , France invades Alsace, and British forces arrive at France .
  • Germany Starts naval blockade

    Germany Starts naval blockade
    Germany wants to cut off trade to Great Britain.
  • Gas

    at 5 pm the Germans released a wave of asphyxiating gas upon the Allied line on the northern end of the Ypres salient recording the first use of gas as a weapon and cause fear to their enemy .
  • The Lusitania

    The Lusitania
    German submarine sinks British passenger boat -1200 people dead 128 being Americans and stops blockage for some time after people had a problem with innocent people being killed
  • The landship

    The landship
    First armored vehicle that traveled on track used to break through barbed wire in trench warfare as well as anything that was supposed to stop from advancing .
  • Period: to

    Battle of Verdun

    The battle of Verdun leaves 1 million casualties 550,000 on the French side and 450,000 on the German side .
  • The Zimmerman telegram

    Americans gets message that Germany is trying to get mexico to join the war against america if anything happens
  • submarine warfare

    submarine warfare
    Germany starts to block trade from Great Britain again after the Lusitania
  • USA joins

    USA joins
    America decides that its time to join into the war after all the problems caused by it and is supported by the people after is had already tried to avoid having to fight .
  • Russia leaves the war

    Russia leaves the war
    Due to problems in Russia they are forced to leave the war and sign a peace treaty
  • The final offense

    Germany decides to began its final offense of the war
  • League of nations

    League of nations
    Draft of covenant of the league of nations is finished
  • Period: to


    The treaty of Versailles takes effect and the united states signs peace treaties with Germany, Austria, Hungary