WW1 Timeline

  • Period: to

    WW1 Timeline

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand gets assassinated by Gavrilo Princip in Serbia by a member of the secret military organization known as the Black Hand
  • War is Declared

    War is Declared
    After the assassination of Franz Ferdinand (who was next n line to the throne), Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia which ends up bringing more people into the war due to alliances
  • Germany sinks the Lusitania

    Germany sinks the Lusitania
    A German U-boat torpedoes the Lusitania without warning, which creates tension between Germany and the United States
  • Battle of Verdun Begins

    Battle of Verdun Begins
    The beginning of the longest battle in WW1 starts, the Germans and the French fight it out
  • The Beginning of the Battle of the Somme

    The Beginning of the Battle of the Somme
    The battle of the Somme was a battle between the British and French against the Germans, starting the bloodiest battle of WWI
  • End of the Battle of the Somme

    End of the Battle of the Somme
    The French and British were able to defend against the Germans ending the battle with over 1 million casualties overall
  • The Battle of Verdun Ends

    The Battle of Verdun Ends
    After almost a year of fighting the French were successfully able to repel the Germans from Verdun, resulting in a French victory
  • The Zimmerman Telegram

    The Zimmerman Telegram
    The Zimmerman Telegram was an encrypted message that Germany sent Mexico stating if America were to join the war, Mexico would join Germany and help them win. In return for helping, Germany promised land that was lost in the Mexican-American War back. Mexico declined.
  • America Joins the Battle

    America Joins the Battle
    After a lot of German aggression towards America, America decides to join the war on the side of the Allies
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The Bolshevik's overthrow the Czar as leaders of Russia due to them wanting Russia to leave the war.
  • Russia Leaves the War

    Russia Leaves the War
    Russia signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany in 1918, officially ending their participation in the war
  • Battle of Amiens Begins + Start of the Hundred Days Offensive

    Battle of Amiens Begins + Start of the Hundred Days Offensive
    This was the beginning of one of the last battles of WW1 with Canadian and Allied troops against the Germans
  • Battle of Amiens Ends

    Battle of Amiens Ends
    As the battle ends, the Canadian and Allied troops emerge victorious and repel the Germans back even further
  • WWI Ends

    WWI Ends
    After 4 years of fighting the Allies end up victorious and sign an armistice with Germany, making them pay for they damage, which they accept
  • End of the Hundred Days Offensive

    End of the Hundred Days Offensive
    The Hundred Days Offensive was a string of allied offensive attacks on the Germans which succeeded in making Germany surrender.