WW1 timeline

By seirra
  • Archduke's assassination

    Archduke's assassination
    archduke was assassinated in Sarajevo, his death leads to war
  • WW1 starts

    WW1 starts
    Germany invades Belgium, following the Schlieffen plan. They tried to capture Paris.
  • Russia intervenes

    Russia intervenes
    Russia intervenes against Austria in favor to its allies making other parks of Europe to do the same thing
  • Germans start fire

    Germans start fire
    The Germans used mustard gas to kill other soldiers, this was a big deal because this was the first major attack by the Germans it destroyed others over the allied line
  • The Lusitania sinks

    The Lusitania sinks
    The ship had been shot at and in less than 20 minutes the bot sank killing 1,198 people 128 being Americans
  • battle of Verdun

    battle of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun begins between France and Germany.It last until December of 1916 and will finally result in french winning
  • the British intercept

    the British intercept
    The British intercept the Zimmerman Telegram, Germany tries to talk Mexico into joining the war. This will result in the United States declaring war on Germany.
  • 14 points

    14 points
    President Woodrow Wilson made the Fourteen Points for peace and an end to the war.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    the treaty is signed and brings war to an end.