WW1 Timeline

By Ryan89
  • Attack in Sarajevo

    Attack in Sarajevo
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife visit Sarajevo in Bosnia where they are both shot and killed by a lone assassin. The Austrians targeted their anger towards Serbia because they were inclined to believe the lone assassin was a Serbian nationalist. During all of this the U.S.A. decided to remain neutral.
  • Great Britain Declares war

    Great Britain Declares war
    Great Britain declares war on Germany which includes Germanys allies which are Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and South Africa. As Germans attack the Belgian fortress, the twelve forts around the city are bombarded into submission by German and Austrian howitzers using high explosive shells. As all of this go's on and the Germans continue to advance westward, the U.S.A remains neutral.
  • Germany Sank an American Ship

    German U-Boats sank an American tanker merchant ship named the Gulflight. This provoked the U.S.A and as a result they became involved.