ww1 timeline

  • assasination franz ferdinand

    assasination franz ferdinand
    Franz Ferdinand assassinated sparks the start of WW1 in the year 1914.
  • inventions of weapons during ww1

    inventions of weapons during ww1
    There was multiple inventions during WW1 to help benefit the creators in the war.
  • eastern front

    eastern front
    Fought along a 400-mile stretch, held by Russian soldiers turns to have the most casualties and the most unprepared fight.
  • propoganda begins

    propoganda begins
    Posters and signs saying the army needed the people's help to fight in the war.
  • trench warfare begins

    trench warfare begins
    Dugouts are dug in the floor providing soldiers protection from no man's land.
  • the christmas truce of 1914

    the christmas truce of 1914
    The Christmas truce was when both sides of the war stopped fighting for a day to celebrate Christmas.
  • the zimmerman telegram

    the zimmerman telegram
    Germans called in Mexico for backup because they saw America was being involved in ww1, Mexico had denied the Germans offer.
  • western front

    western front
    This attack happened from February 21st through December 18th of 1916,400000 french casualties, another bloody battle
  • Russia withdraws

    Russia withdraws
    Russia withdrew from WWI, the were more interested in who took power and did not fight in WWI.
  • america enters ww1

    america enters ww1
    America entered WWI because of a ship that was attacked by Germans that contained some American people.
  • russia launches a new assault on the western front

    russia launches a new assault on the western  front
    Russia stops on the eastern front to launch a new assult n the western.
  • Armistace

    The official end to fighting in WW1
  • germans charged for damages

    germans charged for damages
    Germany was put into 6,600 million pounds of debt because of the damages it had caused.
  • the big four

    the big four
    A group of four people from different countries who talk about what damages the germans have done.
  • The Treaty of Versaille

    The Treaty of Versaille
    The official end to WWI was a boundary set for the Germans, including things like the military.