WW1 Timeline

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated while taking a wrong turn to the hospital. The person who assassinated him was Garvilo Princip who is part of a terrorist group called The Black Hand.
  • Period: to


  • Battle of Marne

    Battle of Marne
    This was the very first battle of WW1 and was started by the French army against Germans. At the time, Germans were advancing by invading Belgium.
  • The First Battle of Ypres

    The First Battle of Ypres
    This battle was fought in the West Flanders, Belgium. The German army attempted to break through allied lines to capture French soldiers.
  • Sinking Of The Lusitania

    Sinking Of The Lusitania
    A German U-boat torpedoed a luxurious steamship that killed 1195 people with that including some Americans. This event then angered the US.
  • Battle Of Verdun

    Battle Of Verdun
    This was the longest battle that came out of WW1. It lasted February 21st to December 18th 1916. This battles happened on France's Western Front.
  • Battle Of Somme

    Battle Of Somme
    The Battle of Somme was one of the deadliest and tragic battles in history. The British and French army launched a frontal attack towards the German army by the Somme river in France.
  • US Enters The War

    US Enters The War
    After the sinking incident of the Lusitania, and German soldiers killing few Americans, US started to get angry and then allied with France.
  • Battle Of Mons

    Battle Of Mons
    The battle of Mons was the very last battle of WW1. The Canadian corps captured Mons and Belgium which was then kept by Germany in 1914. This battle was a very strategic win for Germany.