
WW1 Timeline

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assasinated

    Franz Ferdinand was next in line for the throne in Austria. His wife, Sophie, and him were assasinated by a man from Serbia named Gavrilo Princip while in Sarajevo. The Black Hand killed him because he wanted to give concessions to the Slavs.
  • Germany sunk British Steamship Lusitana

    The German Embassy sent out a warning to British travellers that sailed in the war zone were at great risk. This warning was proved to be true when a british ship was sunk and over 100 Americans died.
  • Woodrow Wilson becomes President and tried to make peace

    Woodrow Wilson gained presidency and tried to lead peace negotiations to both sides. He wanted to know what it would take from both sides to stop the war. The response from the opposing countries were to use military force.
  • America entered the war

    America was neutral towords the war up until this point. This was true until Germany sunk one of America's boats. That was one of the primary issues why Woodrow Wilson, the president at the time declared war.
  • America Declares War on Germany

    Woodrow Wilson expressed a speach in front of Congress saying that we should declare war on Germany. Four days later the Congress voted and passed the declaration 82 to 6.
  • Treaty of Versailles Signed

    At the end of WW1 a peace treaty was signed that stated Germany was responsable for the war. Germany was to disarm, make concessions, and pay reparations to certain countries.