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  • Franz Ferdinand Assassination

    Franz Ferdinand Assassination
    Frans Ferdinand was gunned down by Gavrilo Princip, causing a diplomatic crisis.
  • Period: to


  • First Battle of the War

    First Battle of the War
    Germany invaded Belgium using a strategy known as the Schlieffen Plan.
  • Lusitania disaster

    Lusitania disaster
    The Lusitania was a British liner that carried British passengers and 128 American tourists was set to sink by a German U-boat, causing America to outrage and get revenge.
  • First Battle of Somme

    First Battle of Somme
    British suffered an enormous number of casualties, 60,000 the first day.
  • 1916 Election

    1916 Election
    The United States election, Won by Woodrow Wilson with the popular slogan “he kept us out of war” even though a couple months after he was elected the U.S. was involved in World War 1.
  • The Zimmerman Note

    The Zimmerman Note
    A telegram from the German minister to the German Ambassador of Mexico, confirming an alliance and that they will return for their “lost territory.”
  • America Declares War

    America Declares War
    Senators, Respresentatives, ambassadors, members of the Supreme Court, and other guests crowded in the Capitol building so that they could hear Mr. President declare war and ended up getting what he asked for.
  • Germany Collapses, War ends

    Germany Collapses, War ends
    On this day, the partner of Germany, Austria-Hungary, surrendered to its allies, this same day German sailors refused to obey their government meaning they were too exhausted to continue fighting, leading to the end of the Great War.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Big Four and the leaders of the defeated nations gathered in the Hall of Mirrors and signed the Treaty of Versailles.