Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, was in a parade in Sarajevo, Bosnia. He and his wife were shot by a Serbian, Gavarillo Princip. -
American Policy
Woodrow Wilson asks americans to remain nuetral in every way. He wanted to keep America out of the war. -
U-Boat Torpedoes the Luisitania
U-boat torpedoed the Sussex
a U-boat torpedoed the Sussex, a French passengeer steamship. U.S threatened to cut diplomatic ties to Germany(Sussex Pledge). Germans promised again to warn ships before attacking -
End of the Sussex Pledge
Germany informs the U.S that they are ending the Sussex Pledge and resuming to unrestricted submarine warfare -
U.S Broke Diplomatic Ties with Germany
Wilson Asks Congress to Declare War on Germnay
Congress Agrees to Declare War on Germany