WW1 timeline

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot to death by one of the Bosnian Serb nationalist during the visit to the Bosnian capital on june 28, 1914.
  • Attack on Serbia

    Attack on Serbia
    The attack on Serbia created a chain reaction because when Austria-Hungary attacked them its allies which were Russia helped Serbia and Austria Hungary allies helped it and all the allies teamed up
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    Trench warfare was a big event because each side had used it and was very effective because no side could get to the other without being seen and it was a good defense mechanism in the war.
  • Aliiances

    Alliances were a big part of WW1 because if somebody on your alliance was being attacked then you can help them and win and that is how the triple alliance was created and triple entente.
  • German Atrocities in Belgium

    German Atrocities in Belgium
    In some places that were being taken over, there were unarmed innocent people being killed and towns being destroyed and some of them were propaganda from the British.
  • Economic Interests

    Economic Interests
    Some forces were interested in taking over some valuable places and land and some nations were wanting to protect and prepare just in case they get attacked and were giving money to their government,
  • The Ottoman empire

    The Ottoman empire
    Germany tricked Russia into thinking that Turkey had attacked it and as a result, its allies help Turkey and Russia's allies helped Russia.
  • U.S. helping the alliance

    U.S. helping the alliance
    Since the U.S. was helping the alliance it made the triple entente want to attack it but its allies protected them and the U.S. just kept helping and it made a big impact on the war and give them a big advantage.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    In 1915 the sinking of the Lusitania happened and killed 1000 passengers some were Americans and they were not warned before being sunk and America was mad about losing military equipment.
  • Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
    In 1915 there were a lot of attacks and mostly by submarine and this made a lot of nations lose power and lose goods and make even more alliances for the war,
  • Zimmermann Telegram

    Zimmermann Telegram
    The Zimmermann Telegram was a message to Mexico saying that if the U.S. joins the war then you should attack them back. The message was intercepted by the British and was given to the Americans so they know what was coming. this event helped shape the war because no one knew who to trust.
  • U.S. Marines launch attack at Belleau Wood

    U.S. Marines launch attack at Belleau Wood
    Once the U.S. marine had launched the attack on Belleau Wood it made a big impact on the war because one side had lost a lot of power.
  • Germany requests armistice – Allies refuse

    Germany requests armistice – Allies refuse
    When Germany was about to lose it requested an armistice and the allies refused which led to Germany losing the war and not being able to fight and help its allies.
  • Germany signs armistice

    Germany signs armistice
    After Germany signed the armistice the allies lose a lot of power and start to lose the war and that gave a big advantage to the opposing side and gave them the chance to win.
  • The Treaty Of Versile

    The Treaty Of Versile
    The treaty of Versaille made Germany pay for all the damages and made them use fewer troops for future wars and lowered the power Germany had and weakened them.