
WW1 Timeline

  • Prince Max von Baden

    Prince Max von Baden
    He was the chancellor during the final few months of the war. When Kaiser Welhem lost control, Prince Max temporarily assumed leadership. He also played a major role in the arranging of the armistice.
  • Francis Ferdinand Assassination

    Francis Ferdinand Assassination
    Franis Ferdinand was assassinated by a Siberian nationalist in Sarajevo, Bosnia. His wife was assassinated as well. This started the war due to escalation of threats and mobilization orders.
  • Franz Ferdinand

    Franz Ferdinand
    Franz Ferdinand was the archduke of Austria. He was assassinated by Serbian militant Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914. That event was widely considered the unofficial start of World War I.
  • Period: to


  • Austria Declares War on Serbia

    Austria Declares War on Serbia
    Austria declares war on Serbia. This happened one moth after Franz Ferdinand and his wife were killed. They faut because Australian government blamed the Siberian government for the assasination of Franz and his wife.
    Q: Who was killed a month before this event happened?
  • Declaring War on Serbia and Russia

    Declaring War on Serbia and Russia
    Link to help researech people in depthRussia and Serbia are getting declared war by Franz Josef of Austria-Hungary. Franz Josef accepted advice to declare war on Serbia from his minister, Leopold von Berchtold. Josef allowed the military to take over the running of the country.
  • Paul von Hindenburg

    Paul von Hindenburg
    Paul was a German general who was credited with a major victory over Russia at the Battle of Tannenberg in August 1914. A month after is victory he was promoted to commander in chief of the German land armies, which he served as until the end of the war.
  • Germany Declares War on Russia

    Germany Declares War on Russia
    Germany declares war on Russia. When Russians came to the defense of the Serbs, Germans had no choice but to go to war and defend their Australian allies. Germanys plan entitled them to attack France.
    Q: Who attacked first?
  • Germany Declares War on France

    Germany Declares War on France
    Germany declared war on France and invaded Belgium. Germany invaded Belgium for a quick victory over France. They planed to defeat France rapidly and the move to the eastern front for a major offensive on Russia. This was ths basis of the schlieffen plan.
    Why did Germany invade Belgium?
  • Britain Declares War on Germany

    Britain Declares War on Germany
    Britaian declares war on Germany. Britain troops invaded Belgium. Britain extablishes a Navel Blockade on the English Channel, North Sea and Mediterranean.
    Q: Why did Britain declare war?
  • The Battle of the Frontiers begins

    The Battle of the Frontiers begins
    Timeline HelpThe Battle of the Frontiers was composed of five offenses started under the control of French Commander-in-Chief Joseph Joffre and German Chief of Staff Helmuth von Moltke. It was initiated during the first month of the war in August. The battles were launched simultaneously and marked the collision of the German invasion plans.
  • The Battle of Mons

    The Battle of Mons
    The Germans invaded Belgium on August, 3rd. On August, 23rd the BEF (British Expeditionary Force) was greatly outnumbered by the Germans 7:16. The BEF started is retreat form Mons and Germany Invaded France.
    Q: What dose BEF stand for?
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    Turkey entered the war on Russia's side. Russia was one of the central powers. Trench warfare started to dominate the western Front at this point.
    Q: What is trench warfare?
  • Sir Christopher Cradock

    Sir Christopher Cradock
    Sir Christopher Cradock was a British admiral in command of the Fourth Squadron. Cradock is known primarily for his massive defeat at the Battle of Coronel on November 1, 1914. During that battle he lost his life.
  • First German Air Raid on Britain

    	First German Air Raid on Britain
    Two German zeppelins drop bombs on Great Yarmouth and King's Lynn on the eastern coast of England. The zeppelin was one of the largest ariships ever created. It was made with steel.
    Q: What were the German ships called?
  • Winston Churchill

    Winston Churchill
    Winston Churchill was the first lord of the British admiralty. He is better known as Britain’s prime minister during World War II, but he played a significant role in World War I too, serving as the head of Britain’s navy until he was demoted in 1915.
  • Germany Declares a Submarine Blockade of Great Britain

    Germany Declares a Submarine Blockade of Great Britain
    Germany declares a "war zone" around Great Britain. Effecting a submarine blockade where any incoming vessel would be considered a target. Even neutral merchant vessels were to be potential targets.
    Q: What was the war zone?
  • Constantine I

    Constantine I
    Constanine I was the king of Greece for much of the war. Even though Greece remained neutral during his reign, Constantine himself had strongly pro-German attitudes, at the same time that his government favored the Allies.
  • President Wilson Launches a Nationwide Whistle-Stop Campaign

    President Wilson Launches a Nationwide Whistle-Stop Campaign
    President Wilson launches a nationwide whistle-stop campaign. This was to gain support for the contenental army. He gave three speeches, to gain suport. He gave theses speeches in New York.
  • The Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun begain. The Germans launched a massive attack against Verdun. This battle will become the longest battle of the war. This battle resulted in 698,000 battlefield deaths.
    Q: How many people were killed?
  • The Battle of Jutland Ends

    The Battle of Jutland Ends
    Having been the biggest navel battle, the battle of Jutland ends. The battle ended withoud a clear victor. The battle had all the right ingrediants to be a great British Navel victory.
    Q: Who won the Navel battle?
  • Franz Joseph I

    Franz Joseph I
    Franz Joseph I was the emperor of Austria-Hangary until his death in late 1916. He was born on 18 August 1830, the eldest son of Archduke Franz Karl, the brother and heir of Emperor Ferdinand I.
  • German Forces Begin Withdrawal

    German Forces Begin Withdrawal
    German forces begin withdrawal to strong positions on the Hindenburg Line. The Germans had planed out the retreat weeks before they went through with it. They retreated then reasembled back at the Hindenburg line.
    Q: Where did the Germans retreat to?
  • Battle of Messines

    Battle of Messines
    British Second Army under General Sir Herbert Plumer started an attack. Which in three hours resulted in the capture of the Messines Ridge on the South side.
  • U-Boat Warfare

     U-Boat Warfare
    German leaders decide to launch an unristrickted U-boat warfare. This raised one majoe concern, wheater or not this would provoke an American response. They were right, it would.
    Q: What are U-boats?
  • German Troops Break Through

    German Troops Break Through
    German troops break through the northernmost end of the Russian front during the Riga offensive.The Courland Pocket referred to the Red Army's blockade or encirclement of Axis forces. On the Courland peninsula during the closing months of WWI.
  • President Woodrow Wilson Delivers Speech

    President Woodrow Wilson Delivers Speech
    President Woodrow Wilson delivers his fourteen points speech to the U.S. Congress. He articulated the ideas that would form the backbone of American foreign policy.
  • Zeebruggge Raid

    Zeebruggge Raid
    Planned to neutralize the key Belgian ports of Zeebrugge and Ostend. They both used by the German Navy as a base for submarines and light shipping, the Raid on Zeebrugge was launched early on the morning of 23 April 1918.
  • Gavrilo Princip

    Gavrilo Princip
    Princip was trained by a Serbian terrorist group known as the Black Hand. When he assassinated Franz Ferdinand it became widely considered to be the opening shot of World War I. Ferdinand spent his time during the war in prison. He died of turberculosis during his time in prison.
  • US President Woodrow Wilson Says Yes

    US President Woodrow Wilson Says Yes
    US President Woodrow Wilson agrees to US intervention in Siberia.From August 1918 to the fall of 1919 the United States intervened militarily in Russia.Two forces of American soldiers were ordered into Russia by President Woodrow Wilson, to the East in Siberia and the North in Archangel.
  • All German troops back to the Hindenburg Line

    All German troops back to the Hindenburg Line
    Haig directs the start of a successful Amiens offensive. This forces all German troops back to the Hindenburg Line. Ludendorff calls it a "black day" for the German Army.
  • American forces attack the Germans

    American forces attack the Germans
    American forces attack the Germans. As they are in the process of retreating from the St.-Mihiel salient. This was part of a plan designed by General Pershing in which the Americans would break through the German lines and capture the fortified city of Metz.
  • Submarine Warfare

    Submarine Warfare
    Germany ceases unrestricted submarine warfare.German U-boat submarine fires the last torpedo of WWI. Germany declared the area around the British Isles a war zone.
  • Germany begins negotiations

    Germany begins negotiations
    Germany begins negotiations for an armistice with the Allies in Ferdinand Foch's railway carriage. The headquarters at Compiegne.