
WW1 Time Line

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  • The Creation of the Triple Alliance

    The Creation of the Triple Alliance
    The Triple Alliance was created in 1881 and was composed of the following countries: Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy. This was a partial cause of the creation of the Triple Entente.
  • Rise of Kaiser Wilhelm II

    Rise of Kaiser Wilhelm II
    Kaiser Wilhelm II became the German emperor in 1888. Wilhelm highly believed in militarism and wanted Germany to rise and become a powerful European nation. He also wanted for Germany to have a navy equal to or greater than that of Great Britian. He suffered a mental breakdown in 1908 causing him to be unstable for the remainder of his years in office. This could be a cause of why he attacked Serbia after the assasination ofArchduke Ferdinand.
  • The alliance of France and Russia

    The alliance of France and Russia
    The alliance between France and Russia occured in the year of 1892 and caused even more tension towards the Triple Alliance. This alliance will soon lead to the creation of the Triple Entente and shapes the outcome of the future war.
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    The European arms race and Militarism

    Militarism is the act of preparing for war. Militarism involved glorifying your armys to receive more recruits and also involved building up your forces and preparing for war. The arms race involved militarism in order to prepare for the impending war. Many countries stock piled supplies such as: Medical supplies, Guns/ammo, vehicles, and equipment.
  • The Creation of the Triple Entente

    The Creation of the Triple Entente
    The Triple Entente was formed in the year of 1907. Russia and France already had an alliance together but Great Britian and Serbia soon join to form the Triple Entente. The Triple Entente and the Triple alliance now set a basic understanding of who will be fighting who in the war. However the sides will change partially due to unforseen events.
  • Austria annexes Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Austria annexes Bosnia and Herzegovina
    The annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria led to further tension between Serbia and Austria because Bosnia and Herzegovina had a large population of Slavic people. This is one of many reasons as to why Austria and Serbia are the first to go to war.
  • Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    The Archduke was assasinated on June 28 1914. He was killed outside a sandwich shop by a Black Hand member named Gavrilo Princip. It was an extreme coincidence that he was there and this caused Franz's death. The death of Franz was the final spark that happened to light the powder keg. With all the build up this finally set off WWI
  • The Decleration of War!

    The Decleration of War!
    The first decleration of war in WWI was between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. Russia soon declares war on Aurstria Hungary which then leads to Germany declaring war on Russia/Serbia. Then the Germans declare war on France. Germany attacks Belgium which leads to Great Britian declaring war on them and Italy joining the Triple Entente.
  • Great Britian Declares war on Germany

    Great Britian Declares war on Germany
    With the Germans invading Belgium, Great Britian is infuriated and joins the war in order to stop Germany.
  • The Battle Lines are Drawn

    The Battle Lines are Drawn
    The countries have now chosen their sides and are ready to fight. The Triple Entente has changed to the Allies and now consists of: Great Britian, Russia/Serbia, Japan, France, and Italy. The Triple Alliance has become the Central powers and consists of: The Ottomans, Germany, and Austria Hungary.