Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, and his wife was assassinated
Archduke Franz Ferdinand played a more role in society so when people heard that they were assassinated they began to outrage causing for violins and rebellions to form. -
Austria-Hungary, with the backing of Germany, the subs start to mobiles there army
this is when everyone starts to poll on strings and make allies that cause people who aren't involved at first to be involved. -
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.
This is the point when they start an actual war and where people lose there lives. -
Germany declares war on France
the point where more people start to join the war so it is the turning point of the allies. -
Allied forces halt German
Allied forces halt German advance into France during First Battle of the Marne. -
German fire
The Germans fire shells filled with chlorine gas at Allied lines. This is the first time that large amounts of gas are used in battle, and the result is the near-collapse of the French lines. However, the Germans are unable to take advantage of the breach. -
Lusitania Sinks
A German submarine sinks the passenger liner Lusitania. The ship carries 1,198 people, 128 of them Americans. which is a big blow to populations. -
Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary.
This is where a lot of people start to take sides in the war. -
Germany Limits Submarines
tryjhis couses for less bestruchion in the watter.Reacting to international outrage at the sinking of the neutral passenger lines, Kaiser Wilhelm suspends unrestricted submarine warfare. This is an attempt to keep the United States out of the war, but it severely hampers German efforts to prevent American supplies from reaching France and Britain. -
Battle of Verdun ends
Battle of Verdun ends with 550,000 French and 450,000 German casualties. -
Zimmerman Telegram
British intelligence gives Wilson the so-called Zimmermann Telegram, a message from German foreign secretary Arthur Zimmermann proposing that Mexico side with Germany in case of war between Germany and the United States. this agreement allowed for Mexico to gain back losted land. -
U.S Enters War
This is when the united states go and gets in voled to protect their people. Congress authorizes a declaration of war against Germany. -
Selective serves act
This is when Congress sent out the draft and people did not want to fight. -
Germany and Russia Peace
The Germans sign a peace treaty with the new Bolshevik government of Russia. this allowed for an alliance to form creating a big enemy. -
Battle of Cantigny
This was the first major war that the Americans thought -
Battle of Belleau Wood
The Battle of Belleau Wood begins as the U.S. Marine Corps attacks the Germans across an open field of wheat, suffering huge casualties -
The end of Balleau Wood ends
The Battle of Belleau Wood ends with the final expulsion of the Germans from the wood, which marks the farthest German advance on Paris. The area has changed hands six times during the three-week battle, which has caused nearly 10,000 American casualties. -
Battle of St. Mihiel
We invaded German lines and through a grat batelale. -
Wilhelm Abdicates
Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates, ending all German hope for a victory. which was a major win to help stop the war. -
Armistice Day
signifies the end of the war. -