WW1 project for 1st hour

  • Franz Ferdinand

    Franz Ferdinand was assassinated and Austria hungry was very upset with the murder of their prince.
  • Austria hungry declared war

    Austria hungry declared war on Serbia but Serbia said no to the war soon later Russia prepared for what was to protect Serbia so Germany went to war with them to protect Austria hungry.
  • Germany sink the Lusitania

    Germany sink the Lusitania ship killing 1,195 in total 128 of those people who died were Americans they did this because they thought we were carrying weapons for the war.
  • The US ended up joining the war

    The US ended up joining the war because Germany was going to have Mexico attack them in secret but the US also entered the war because they were still upset about what happened to the Lusitania.
  • Forbes enlisted in the Army in December 1917.

    Forbes enlisted in the Army in 1917. After he was done enlisting in the Army he was accepted and fought with the American Expeditionary Forces under General Pershing.
  • The Allies were not doing very good

    The Allies were not doing very good because of four attacks from the germans but from the help of the United States they were able to launch a counter attack in July using tanks that was on a large scale wich was successful causing germany to retreat.
  • Forbes Allan wrote a letter to his father for New years

    He wrote a letter to his father for New years wand was telling his father how he had visions of going home for a month or two but is not able to. He also was telling his dad how he would see his brother Andrew all the time that month and how he will see his brother again on Sunday. He saw his brother while being in France.
  • Forbes Allan had gotten a letter

    Forbes Allan had gotten a letter from Jhon J. Purshing telling them congrats on the successful conclusion of the war.
  • Honorable discharge

    Forbes Allan was given an honarble discharge from the united states army.
  • Modern copy

    Forbes got a modern copy of his military service record from the ajuntants generals office and war record section.